who likes there job?

who here likes ther job?

…just sitting here at work trying not to kick a puppy …so sick of my job, working sat’s, dealing with the general public, working with cars’ssss … just a little rant can not wait to get school done …



i hate my fucking job…shitty management, 55 year old people who act like they are in high school…it’s fucking sad.

I think the stupid from the people i work around has been rubbing off on to me :frowning:

I don’t dislike my job.:wink:

fucking love my job

quite a privilege, glad i worked to get where i am

<~~~ probably couldnt ask for more and after 10 years I am pretty sure its a career lol which is a different thing to talk about.

Hate your jobs…love your career

love my job, love my career
4 miles from home

“Hate your jobs…love your career”

/\ TRUE tHAt

I have a love/hate relationship with my job. But, I’m not going to be here forever, so I don’t give a fuck. Ha.

Took me 2 years at twc to actually get to a place where I like my job.

I really like my career. It is challenging and fun at the same time. Chasing down big orders and negotiating deals is a hell of a rush.

I liked it the first time I worked here but things changed a lot since I left. As far as my career, I love it and I actually can’t think of anything I’d rather do.

hate my job/jobs, but i use the frustration i get from them to do good in school, because i know these are only jobs, the real deal starts when i get my diploma. only more reason for me to get through college

Love my job. All around awesome.

Love my job, Would be nice to make it a career, but I see culinary arts in my future.

hate it , hence why i’m going to be going back to school

edit let me rephrase…hate that i don’t have a career

Psh… just think Steven Segal… even chefs can be bad ass. His JOB was cooking, his CAREER was to be an american hero. think about it…

I don’t not mind my job. I dislike it when other people I feel are less qualified get promotions. But I like my manager and co-workers

<-- looking to get 3 years experience at a well known company with my MBA then playing the field.

my job rocks, too bad the stress is taking years off my life though and the hours suck huge balls

i haqve two jobs, and they pay for college and pretty much all my stupid habbits, so i guess they are all right