Job appreciation.

So, while working from home today (at my mom’s house, who also works from home) I sigh loudly while tapping on my mouse. My mom (who works the medical intake line for BCBS and deals with true ass holes all day over the phone) turns to ask what’s so frustrating - to which I respond, “I hate YouTube ads…”.

The look on my mother’s face was more than enough to really make me feel pretty damn happy about the job I have.

I work for a private software company so although there are hard deadlines, the rules day to day are pretty lax.

I thought you guys might have similar stories about at a place that doesn’t seem so bad when put into perspective, haha.

sometimes i get aggrovated at my job, travel sucks but 90% of the time i get to go home at the end of each day. For the most part i work in a nice office (i do enjoy going out in the field though) and nobody is shooting at me so i guess i’ve got it pretty good.

Use google chrome with ad blocker.

no more youtube ads.

Do you get to travel anywhere good at least?

cool story bro

Just the pop-up ones, or the intro ones too?

nukes them all

no i go to shitholes, the PEs get to go to site such as bahamas and barbados, i get to go to such fine places as staten island, new jersey, baltimore, and plenty of other dumps lol.

I love you. And I mean that in the most bro way possible (withholding any implied faggotry).

We deal with a similar situation, except it’s the sales guys who get treated like kings and us software minions get no love. :lol

not really an eye opening experience…but I’m going to bitch about it anyways. My company is a division of a larger multi-national corporation. It’s a place like n!cole works, software joint, no real rules except get your shit done.

We finished off last year very well. We met all our goals. Increased our profit margin. Generally just kicked the ass of our competition. The corporation as a whole? They suck is putting it lightly. We missed out on bonuses because the rest of the corporation is run by a bunch of people that can’t tie their own shoes, even though we can (metaphorically and actually) write the software to make a robot tie their shoes for them.

I imagine this happens everywhere…but damn does it ruin any incentive a bonus might have provided to work extra hard.

Sounds like the same kind of thing that I meant with our sales people honestly… We make this crazy software for them to sell to customers, so they get massive commission of the stuff we work our butts off to make function correctly and we get “sorry, no new hires or raises this year”.

Which firm do you work for?

not having a job kind of sucks, but i’m sure ill look back and wish i did something with my free time when i start law school and don’t have any.


Lame thread is lame…Happy?


No, no. That’s the other thread.

I might bitch and complain about something at work from time to time but most of the time its pretty good and not a bad job at all. Good pay, cheap benefits, free life insurance, matched 401, company vehicle and some other perks.

heyyy brown bombers back