who likes there job?

i honestly think i like my job too much, its pretty bad actually


I enjoy my job :tup:

I really really fucking hate my job

hate one, love the other

neither are careers

makes all the time i put into school well worth it, only have to do this shit for another year anyways so it’s not bad at all :slight_smile:

absolutely love my winter job.

My summer job is also pretty damn fun too.

I’m starting to settle in to my job now… I still dont think it is going to be a career though.

This is my current job:

How can you hate that?

Looking forward to my new one in 2 weeks though!

loving the new job/career :slight_smile:

Like my job. Not saying if I won the lottery tomorrow I’d still work there, but I’m not sitting there counting the minutes till I leave.

you have no reason to hate your job. You don’t do ANYTHING:smash2:

says the man in the noobicles…


i love my job.

read my edit… where is it gonna get me a year from now…etc :stuck_out_tongue:

<3 my job, wouldnt trade it for the world

i heart my job, although somtimes it can be a pita

my job rocks, i dont do shit

meh, i’m 50/50. It pays the bills at least. I would like less stress and more organization.

LOVE my job. insane perks, but high stress. decent pay, idk about the career aspect of it though :confused: .

For the most part I love my job. I like working with my hands and building things, so I take to it pretty well.