East End - Kennedy Commons [Tuesday nights]

Im down :slight_smile:

I am down moved considering i now live prolly 5 minutes from KC

i’ll be there probably. Missing some of the much needed bromance in my life.

I am getting ready to roll out now. See ya guys soon.

I am guessing where you guys are. I will just get off the 401 and look for some 240 dudes outside a Timmies in a big plaza with a Chapters and Starbucks nearby.

anyone coming out tonight?

i am comin down

I will be there

Eh? WTF?! I thought last week was the last one for the season? WTF…

It’s dead at KC anyway lol.

Yeah bro… Its cold as shit anyway… I washed my car today… Then 15 minutes later it rained… This weather is shit lmao

So my large white friend with an RB-powered S13 wants to know if anything is gonna be happening at KC tonight… Anyone?

of course. tell him to bring some large shades… I and a few other buddies will be there


Any regulars showing up?

I’m tired as fuck, but if there’s regulars, I might show up

I may show if peeps show. There was this hot blonde checking me out in my car, she even pulled beside me and we locked eyes for 20 secs. Shyness fail ofc on my end. bangs head

Would’ve been better if it was a Miata… When bitches say “cute car”, you’ve got nothing else to say but “you’re pretty cute yourself”. You say it without thinking… Even to ugly chicks… Fuck on my part lol…

Lmao. I imagine the big girls lick their lips and look at you like they just saw a sweet and spicy Asian chicken wing combo at Wendy’s when you say that.

I don’t think a big girl could fit in your Miata anyway.

Fuck, I amy roll out.

Someone buy some parts from me tongiht, or my wheels. I need money.

I guess I will roll by.

Scratch that. My ass will fall asleep on the way back lol.

Where is everyone? I’m going home.