East End - Kennedy Commons [Tuesday nights]

Yeah, last KC meet of the season. Do it up!

I will try and make it out there for Tuesday. One question though: have they repaired the 401 on the east end? I travel on it all the time in the winter to go snowboarding, and it looked like the road was hit by an earth quake. There were a few tomes I thought I broke something on those gargantuan potholes.

ill make it out… not wit my 240 though :frowning:

I should be able to make it out. ^Mike is it sold?

I may possibly make it out next week as well if it’s the last one… haven’t been to one in a while it seems…

naw it aint sold… just sleeping in my garage

I’m up for it!

Yo Mike, are you gonna be rockin’ that Altima? lmao

so who’s down? last one for the season let’s make it memorable.

raining like crazy tommorro tho

no… not really… says rain in the morning… that’s about it… so far

Can’t make it now. working late tomorrow.

So far I should be able to make it out. Rain or shine I am down unless I gotta work 13 hours or something (I get stuck with uber overtime on the nights I want a 9-10 hour day).

Im down still of course. not sure which car i’ll be driving though.

Good! I’ll feel less awkward driving a Miata to an all-S-chassis meet lmao

Oh it will be an S-chassis, just not sure which one, haha.

^^bring the one that mike is telliing me about… i wana see that sexy beast!

if you roll ill roll

im down with my s-chassis

What time do you guys roll in at roughly? It takes me an hour to get there, so I may not be able to make it till 9 or 10. Most likely 10 if anything.

Yo Feint, your timing is perfect. Don’t change a thing.