East End Meet, Saturday December 4, 2004

im out

after work i came looking for the fun, but to no luck…

oh well how was it?

haha, there was not so much fun … other than Sdragons fine assdrag out of the parking lot (in the hot corolla), which i must say, was actually very well pulled off…
other than that we enjoyed the pleasure of swapping out bruces tranny for an exedy stage1

what can a seatbelt guy say?


what can a seatbelt guy say?

Not much, I just feel sorry for jack guy. Poor jack guy.

I finally left at 2:35am after being there since 11:30am… wooo fun!


did you guys get it workin out?
and for the test spin sans hood?

Hey everyone.

WOW! All you guys were amazing. I can’t believe what that you all came and helped me and Marc finish the job. I really could’nt have done it without the help. I don’t know what I can say other then thank you, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. Some how though that does’nt seem enough.

I was sooooooo burt yesterday that I forget most of all your names but I won’t forget your face and will thank you again in person on the next meet. Other then “Seatbelt Guy”, I just can’t remember. Im sorry for that but I was just so tired.

The only thing Im trying to do now is build up enough pressure in the line to be able use this clutch. Marc “Prodigy” finally had to go after 14hrs ish of work, which I really appreciated brother, Jon “NeveR” stayed with me to try and bleed my clutch to see if we could get it. Then John, who forgot his flash light, came by to get and had his mechanic friend, Jason, gave us a hand and he told me what he thinks it is so I will try that today and see what happens. I just hope my clutch master or slave is not toasted! That would just be my luck.

Well anyway I appoligise againg for not making it out, THANKS AGAIN, for all of you coming by and for the help. On the next meet I won’t do any work to my car :lol:

Oh, if someone is looking for there digital camera that they forgot at my Mother’s house, contact Jon, NeveR, as I gave it to him. Then you gotta post the pic’s :smiley: !

Well one last time, thanks and I look forward to seeing all of you again really soon.

Take care all.

Easy 8)

it was fun guys! im looking forward to the next meet, in which hopefully more people will have their cars coughme and the weather is a little nicer. :lol:

Ya I had a good time as well! I just wish I got to see bruces car actualy engage it’s clutch and move LOL.

phew…i thought i lost that digi cam…with all the cold and confusion going on, i just wanted to get into my warm car…but thanks…ill call jon

peace 8)

^^^^GOOD TIME? so says the guy with the clean hands!!!

word Seatbelt guy!! S13GG–>>Darian Hector___>Hector(brown guy)(A>.K.A. H) how did you forget the brown guy? you know holding the tranny, that guy. the director.

anyways a fun time may have been had by all, better than gettin rear-ended by a driftin’ minivan (“it’s a windstar”)


hahahahaha, hope u guys had a good time watching us do the hard work,
hey seatbelt guy hope u like the gift, we forgot the seatbelt there so next time u guys have the right tools to get tranny back in :smiley:

hey bruce how the hell did forget our names man :asshole: , we didnt just provide the final hand in geting your car back together but we also entertaind for hours on end, my bill to u is in the mail :twisted:

well i hope it all works out for ya, u might need to adjust your pedal from inside the car, sometimes that is needed when installing a aftermarket clutch, u may even posibly need to replace your slave, u should not have to bleed your slave at all!! sometimes the little valve that the slave line comes from doesnt work right, all u gotta do is bypass it! well good luck

tlk to you later :moon:

Hahahaaha seatbelts! hahaha sweet, you can thank andrew for teaching me that trick. hahaha

HAHAHAHA, No problem Hector I’ll get that check off to you ASAP! :wink:

Anyway I only forgot because I, like Marc, was just so bagged at that point I almost forgot my wife’s name. :lol: . Both Darian and yourself were the biggest help, and Seatbelt Guy too, and I could’nt have done it with out you. Thanks again and don’t worry I’ll PM you with my number so we can talk.

Now the bad news, the car is at the shop. It really appears that the Clutch Master Cylinder is toast. No matter how much we bled the clutch it just won’t hold any pressure. Another friend of mine came over today and we tried pump bleeding and garvity bleeding, went through 2 1/2 bottles of fluid and, nothing. After everything, we all did, the best thing to do is get done right. I need my car for work so I don’t have time to do it myself.

It’ll be fixed most likely tomorrow and I’ll be sliding her at the next meet.
Speaking of which, who should orginise the next meet? I was thinking that since Seatbelt Guy did such a good job, it should fall to him to get it together. What do all you guys say?

Take care everyone.

Easy 8)

Hey guys what’s up? I just wanted to say I had a good time at the meet anyway. HAPPY BIRTHDAY HECTOR!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: How was the cake? The shopping buggy drifting at Walmart was fun. As for Bruce (sidewaze) it sucks it had to rain on your parade but it kind of brought as all together and it helped us all get to know one another as we all came to your place to help fix your car. (The truth is we were more like an Italian construction crew 2 or 3 do all the work and 10 watch :lol: ). But we had a good time anyway. Hector! your the man brother, I hope to see you at the next meet. But no one and I mean NO ONE deserves more credit then SEATBELT GUY! Seatbelt guy I think by the end of the night everyone knew your name. (Not your real name that is). But we will all remember the name SEATBELT GUY! Anyway I had a good time even if there was no action but it didn’t realy matter for me because I wouldn’t had been able to participate anyway since I was driving my winter car so I wouldn’t had been able to really do much. I hope to see you all at the next meet, take care everyone. :smiley:

Hey John.

I 100% agree with you that it did really bring everyone together in a real cool way. This is the perfect example of how we should all be! Everyone pulling for everyone if possible and helping out the best way we can.

This East End Meet really showed that all of us can get along perfectly wether it’s getting free cake for someone or helping out a poor guy in distress. I’d like it if at all these meets that we all try to make them as it would only make all of us a tighter bunch.

I don’t just a thought but to me it makes sense.

Anyway take care everyone.

Easy 8)

LOL. I have video of the shopping cart drifting!!!

Post it!!! Please!

i would, but i need someone to host it.

so it snowed! anyone want to organize a meet for some fun in the snow?

I’d be down for that :slight_smile: . As soon as I get my car back :cry: .

Which should be today or tomorrow :smiley: .