East Greenbush officer killed in off-duty motorcycle crash on Route 2

This guy is a long time friend of my freind. Happened on R2 (near the Mass border) where I rode a lot.

RIP. Ride safe…:cry:

EAST GREENBUSH – An East Greenbush police officer was killed in an off-duty motorcycle accident Sunday afternoon.

Few details were immediately available from police who were still conducting an investigation. But Town Supervisor Rick McCabe said Officer Ed Witko was participating in a fundraising ride for combat veterans when the crash occurred about 2:30 p.m. on Route 2 in Petersburg, near the Massachusetts border.

McCabe, who was still awaiting additional information, said he did not know how the crash occurred. But State Police late Sunday said Witko, who was westbound, lost control of his 1999 Harley Davidson on a sharp, downhill curve, then crossed into the eastbound lane and was struck head-on by a car.

The car’s driver, Katherine F. Klinger, 58, of East Greenbush and two of her three passengers were treated for non-life threatening injuries at Albany Medical Center Hospital.

McCabe said Witko, 42, had been an officer for seven or eight years and that he had been in law enforcement for years. He was also a member of the department’s honor guard.

McCabe said Witko was his former student at Rensselaer High School and that he had helped bring him to the East Greenbush police force. He was also a former member of the Rensselaer Police Department.

source: Albany Times Union


Was a good guy too, RIP buddy.

I drove by the station the way home last night, was packed. :frowning:

I heard this accident happen, my girlfriend and I were hiking the old ski mountain and heard the impact from the summit, sounded like a gunshot went off. It looked as if he crossed the center line and hit the oncoming car very hard and was thrown into the woods down a large embankment. RIP


RIP to him. Man, two mondays in a row I come to work and get bad news.

thought go out to all their friends and family.

damnit. RIP sorry to everybody that knew him :frowning:

sorry to hear about this, condolences to friends and family, and please everyone ride safe.

Yea it sucks Eddie and his family were friends with my family (I grew up in East Greenbush) and its terrible loss, a good guy and a combat veteran.

Sad day.


I remember him growing up as a lot of my family have been police/involved with them in the city of Renss. He was deff a good guy, its a damn shame

yeah heard about this yesterday… my roommate is in the Combat Vets and on the ride when that happened… RIP sad to hear

i heard about this today…i was taken into custody by him not too long ago…lol…he grew up with my dad in rensselaer…

RIP and my wishes go out to his family…

This is def. sad RIP on top of it all it’s one of my closet friends cousin.


Is this you? :rofl

You will be missed Eddy!! Town of EG definitely lost a good friend.

oh man…ya caught me…


Heard about this thru coworkers that worked the accident. Far too many fatal accidents out that way this year.

Drove by the service earlier this evening and there were a couple of kids down the road yelling " more dead cops " as people drove by, on my way back through i threw an open 2 liter out the window, direct hit to one in the stomach soaking him and his friend. Fucking jerk offs.

Thank you! they deserved that. That’s like yelling more dead soldiers as the caskets are being unloaded form the plane. WTF?


Off duty E.Greenbush cop Ed Witco dies sunday afternoon comming home from a charity ride, he crosses the double yellow around a curve on his harly, hitting a car head on. Died @ the scene. 2 of the 4 in the car went to the hosp.

Page B5 in the times Union.
Why did it not make front page ?
They said nothing about alcohol.
I know we shouldn’t talk bad about the dead, but this is the D-Bag that took his 7k plus pound SUV with heavy duty brushgaurd
Intentionaly came across the yellow line on a straight stretch of road, and took me out head on, crushed the left side of my body,broke my back,
Now is this Karma or just ironic that he dies the same way ?

Oh wow, where’s that from?