Ebay find

Found this on Ebay… it’s only a 3 hour drive away…


hmmm I wonder how it would work for bringing it into the states.

its gonna be a pain in the ass to bring it back, you need mucho documentation to even bring it across the border let alone register it in the states, there was a really good write up awhile back about everything that you had to do, let me see if I can find it

looks to be in pretty good shape for the year. i can see the paperwork being a nightmare tho

If I remember correctly, there is only one company that converts them to be legal in the US. They are based out of California, and I believe the going price to get a skyline legal in teh states is ~20K

Your thinking MotoReX and they are gone go figure they where smuggling drugs in the cars.

I talked to a guy down at NOPI the other year that was bringing in R33’s. He was based on the east coast. MotoRex(west coast) people are in jail even, they have been gone for a while

Ive went through this when the guy wanted to trade me a jdm celica alltrac/gt4 for my 240… its not going to work it does not have a Vin # to it…

they are usually spam. like supras for $7k yada yada yada

that skyline has been on ebay a couple of times… it probably is a scam or something.

I’ve been working on the paperwork to import cars for a while now. There is a LOT of tape to cut through. I might end up becoming a Registered Importer. We’ll see how things go in the next few months… JTECH has to start creating some revenue first!