eBay of the day v. disappearing door

very cool

The doors freeking badass, but the car itself sucks :confused:


What happens if your not in the car all the way and the door goes up? Does it stop and go back the other way like a garage door does


you might be on to something here, it seems like it might not take much to turn this into a disappearing door/guillotine. that would be sweet.

Wow that is interesting…but it is like a girl with 1 nice tit, the other one isn’t there so that sucks.

Its a cool idea, cant say i’d want it on my car tho

pretty damn neat

I love this old mark 8 commercial

They were so ahead of their time in some aspects… even held a land speed record, but at the last minute lincoln decided not to advertise it as they didn’t want it to be known as a “hotrod” :tdown:

they even considered using it in Nascar to replace the tbird if memory serves me

Here is a video I just stumbled upon…

^ That video is posted at the bottom of the e-bay auction…

^Oh I didn’t see it, sorry for any inconvenience.

the damn thing looks like it eats itself… AWSOME!!!

im impressed by how quickly it goes.

that’s what she said