Ebay seller beware!

I’ve sold 3 cars on ebay without issue. But I’m honest upfront.

Also, NEVER LOSE TRACKING INFO. If you ship something save that shit, someone can try to dispute, then you have all the tracking numbers and Paypal will go in your favor. Happened to me once, some fucking scammer tried to screw me.

Ebays the fuckin shit, you just gotta know how to buy and sell and what to look for…

I sold lance/ladukes old civic on ebay a few weeks ago, my friend james and I and then lance and brian had to put a new alternator in bc the guy got stuck on the highway… I paid for the Alternator bc its the right thing to do and the guy tried to PAY us lol… Heres some even crazier shit and this is a true story… Guy called up my friend James a day or two and somehow it got out that james’s car shit the bed so the dude says, fuck that, come to PA and take this 2005 mini van I got, I talked to my wife and its alright… That fucker is on a bus right this second going to pick up a van thats worth more then the $4k i got for the civic lolol…

Again, ebay is the shit.

I’d love to sit here and tell you stories about eBay, but no one wants me to go on a KK/Shady style seven page rant.
