ecc motorcycle class?

Interested in taking this class, anybody know how to get signed up for it? I know it gets backed up quickly and i want to see if I can get in.

I thought somebody said Rx3 might be involved in teaching this?


yes RX3 was my instructor last summer, if you goto Berts or Don George’s they have the applications or goto

:word: thats how i did it… great class well worth it.

i also want to take this course.

Register early. I registered in March, got in at the end of June. Great class.

i waited 2 weeks after regy…btw RX3 fantastic teacher

Get in early; call them now to get on the list. I called about this time next year and was ~#200; I got in the late April class.

i took it
it was awesome
got to learn basic maneuvers really improved my confidence before i got a bike and i got 10% off both bike and car insurance

Definitely worth it. Took it 2 years ago and it helped alot.

how long does the course last

depends… can be 3 or 5 days i believe is the actual site i believe

rochesters is or .net

yes. i took the learn to ride class. well worth it

They have 2,3, & 4 day classes… that is…