Eclipse and My old black mesh rims

No im not forgetting you were a cop. nor do i care.
Exactly how it happened. also forgot to mention i burned out of the gas station, which in turn thats really what i pulled over for in the first place. cop was sitting in shoparama pizza and didnt even see him.

Got pulled over
cop said lic and reg
i gave him my lic, and told him abuot the car, and how i just bought it.
also gave him the receipt from the dealer showing it has 30 days temp reg and insurance.
gave me my lic back
told me to step outta the car and come to the rear of the vehicle.
told me the story about the car. sat there for 15minutes in handcuffs. they “detained” me. then they uncuffed me to call the guy. after abuot 35 minutes from when i got pulled over in the first place. they said im getting it towed by bobars. (and if you know the story on the my red 240, this was de ja voo wit the towing company from 12 hours previous) car was towed and i walked home with a court summons on the matter feb 12th.
If you care to go down the the D.a’s office tommrow with me at 10am your more then welcome :rofl. idc if you believe or not, i have nothing to prove, except i bought the car fair and square for 2700. end story

btw this whole thread is VVV