eclipse turbo installation

this thread gave me aids

haha u should have deff worn protection

:picard: When bobby told me about this thread I didnt believe it was this bad. This is just a pile of worthless shit. ]When you can take my R6 then maybe…just maybe you can talk to the “slow purple tsi”!!!

And drag racing…

whats up with ur r6… u got alot of mods?

what are you even talking about, what turbo hatch, who is “he/him” do you really think that nyspeed only has one person with a turbo hatch. and if you think d-series motors are only good for 180-200hp then you honestly dont know anything about cars in general, further proving this thread sucks.

Nope just straight up 07 yamaha r6.

HE DOESNT NEED TO HAVE ANY MODS… any r6 newer than 02 (03’s were FI and made around 100 whp) will rape 90% of cars on the street

good luck getting a fwd eclipse with a 420a into the 10’s because… thats where id be on a stock r6… and i bet id be trapping right around the 130 mark…

its quite laughable to see anybody try to achieve that on a fwd dsm with your platform of a motor…

best of luck to you… make sure im at the track when you take her down her first 14 sec pass

even the 99 r6’s (first year) were capable of being DEEP into the 11’s, ive even seen some with 10’s… id venture to guess you wouldnt be touching those either… 2 mods and I guarantee that… (strap… gearing) thats it

that one that goin for 2700

and i dont think there only good for that but with just a turbo they are

Thats a mild build, nothing anywhere near pushing the limits of the motor…

OMG, you can’t just slap on a turbo and call it boosted:cjerk:

haha ha haha

way to be specific

A)no one cares what you think
B) as cky stated with just a turbo you would be making no hp gains
C) who said mine was “just turboed”…again proves that you know nothing about cars, just because mildly building your beat motor costs 7k dosnt mean all cars are the same way

He means boardjnky’s eg hatch.

And I spent 7k on my e30 before I bailed on it, and I didn’t have nearly all the stuff I needed to even finish the project, and I wouldn’t have even hit high 10’s with drag rad’s and it’s RWD at that!

Kids gotta learn somehow, lets just let him do his thing and see where it gets him.

yeah i know i deff wont be hittin tens but by the time i max it out… cause im thinkin about boring it out but i still dont think id be hittin tens. im just tryin to make a fast car outa what i got. alls im sayin is like go to lancaster or give me a name of a 1/4 mile track and see what it can do

i ment way to be specific when it was called “his” hatch but the point im getting accross is that i dont need to blow threw 7k to have a built car which is what he said previous to this

leicester, NY is the 1/4 mile most people on here go to. it is kinda near Geneseo, NY.

you misundersood my whole 4g64 point. carbonfiberhooded’s car is an awd 4g63 platform. he built the beeejeebus out of everything, and then swapped (BLOCK ONLY) a 4g64 block for the extra 25% displacement. forged internals, dsmlink, monstrous turbo… its not like he turboed a 4g64 eclipse spyder… not at all like that. essentially, its just a 4g64 block with a 4g63 head, a delicious 4g63 on steroids…

you only got attacked because you shot down the knowledge and advice of numerous people that have “been there done that”.

if you want to build the fastest 420a around these parts, then go for it. i think its a cool project if done right. however, don’t discount what everyone is telling you. we have a LOT of experience with all of this, you really have no idea how much experience we have. :rx3:

have you done anything with your tranny? when i turboed my 420a, i popped 2 of those… how about a clutch? the stock clutch will go byebye after about 200whp.

well said… and at a polite, experienced tone at that :tup:

yeah i dont know what im doin with the tranny yet but i went with a 6 puck stage 2 clutch… i didnt want to go any cazier cause i want it to be streetable ya know… but yeah i dont know what to do with the tranny anyone got any suggestions?

you dont need a nancy clutch to be streetable