salt corrodes things, like lines, gaskets, plugs and other items. it makes things that seal more porous and not seal as well. small things that move get kinda clogged up and dont have the full range of motion. it cakes on and dries in places, it goes into filters and all that. it causes chemical reactions to occur that dont happen in a lab. compare the same car from ny(it being here from day 1) to a car in say cali(also from day 1) with similar driving conditions. on average you see a lot more decay, wear and rot on cars out here vs cali. same thing on that motor, shit splashes up onto it, dries and causes corrosion and all kinds of other nasty things to happen. keeping a motor inside a room doesnt expose it to any of that long term. now, these chemical reactions dont happen overnight, by FAAAR. this occurs over a decade.