suny albany is pretty much like harvard :lol
What are the classes like? I’ve never been in a lecture hall before, only small classrooms with 25 or so students.
lecture centers are huge… cannot wait to be done and out of here
yea u little underworked dbag who gets everything and anything his little heart desires. wait until u dont have daddys pocket to reach into, then u can talk.
Manny u mad?
I don’t mind UAlbany MDog.
Speaking of UAlbany…my Africa in the Modern World history elective has some BANGING ladies in the class. Definitely going every week. This class is like 65 people in the Earth Science building. I counted 4 of said girls
My monday class is in LC.
Its not necessarily the school dude. I love the girls, most of the guys are dbags though. Its more of the fact that I’m getting a degree just to get a degree and that I’m so fucking close to being done, I can taste it.
True. I felt the same way my last semester at HVCC. Couldn’t wait to leave that place, although for a CC it’s quite a nice place.
every single one of my classes is in wil and cgn, with the exception of english, which is all the way in dcc…oh well…also done at 2 EVERY day…w/ fridays off…woot
Since this is here thread is here… does anyone need any textbooks?
Also do you have the books for… social psychology, child psychology, intro to philosophy, western civ, or “the short story” english.?
I think i have social psych dude. Lemme check my trunk of my car tom. I may have sold it back, but ill look. oh and tues and fridays off ftw
That’d be sick dude, let me know if you have it.
Social Psychology 12th edition NO SUBSTITUTES
By R. Baron, N. Branscombe D. Byrne
It is that one exactly.
Just looked on google. Deffffff not looking like the same book. Sorry dude. lol
Haha it’s all good. I’ve got a friend who has it but she’s away for a while and won’t let her family go through the boxes they’re in. Dildos in said box, taking bets on girth and number. PAH.
:rofl :rofl
watched 2 people eat shit leaving class last night at 1:30am… nice way to end the night
And so begins class #1 in my 9 hour day.
dont feel bad,i sit in class from 7:30 pm till 1:30 am
I thought that was a typo. I can’t believe classes run that late.
sure as hell beats waking up at 4 to be to class by 5