efi classes?

Now that’s what I’m talkin’ about. :hsdance:

Ok folks, spoke with Greg Banish yesterday and we have a tentative date set for the the EFI Tuning class. We are hoping to have the class on Friday 5/9 and Saturday 5/10. Times are not set in stone but we were thinking to minimize the impact on your work week we could have the class from 1-6pm Friday and a full day (9-5) Saturday. The other option would be a full day Friday and 9am-1pm Saturday. Greg seems to be flexible so please chime in and answer the following questions:

  1. Can you attend on these dates?
  2. Are you willing to place a deposit down for the class.
  3. If yes to both of the above - what times do you prefer?

As a side note since our shop is small we are limiting the class to 12 people. We already have 3 confirmations so that leaves 9 openings.

Let me know! Thanks

Mike, yes on #1 & #2. I don’t mind if you do a half day or full day on Friday.

Anyone else? This is a great opportunity and would save you driving and staying out of town!

Count me in as a “maybe”. Is 5/9 & 5/10 definate? I’d have to see If I could get out of work on Friday.

Those dates are definite if we get 12 people. Right now we have 4 confirmed. That leaves 8 openings. We would love to have you. If you can attend on these dates please let me know and I will give you the details for placing a deposit down for the class.