Electric outlet help!

All my outlets in my bedroom suddenly stop working. Everywhere else in the house is fine. The light in the bedroom is working. I took out couple outlets to see if any loose wires but nothing is loose. Any ideas what’s going on? I checked my breakers and everything is seems ok. Anyone does electric on the side willing to do this small job? Thanks.

they are probably daisy-chained together, so if the first one in the line is bad it could be preventing power transfer to the rest of the outlests in the room…

GFCI tripped somewhere?

One of those^

FYI it could be a GFCI anywhere in the house, depending on what the electrician felt like doing the day he wired your place. I.E. I have a GFCI outlet at the bottom of the basement stairs protecting my master bath. :screwy:

^ Agree with those last two smarty pants.

I did some research and thought it might be chain together and if the first ones goes then the rest will too. But look at all the outlets in the room, don’t see any loose wires or burnt wires. I found 2 GFCI(kitchen and bathroom) in the house but they don’t help at all. Maybe do a really good search down in the basement. Thanks for all the help guys!

do not zap yourself please…call in an expert if need be dude.

The outlets in your bedroom “shouldn’t” be GFCI protected, and wires don’t “usually” come loose or break in homes since they aren’t subject to vibration or movement like they are on cars.

Most likely: You’ve got a bad outlet, or possibly even a bad breaker. Should be a quick fix for someone comfortable with a multimeter. The outlet will be 50 cents, or the breaker will be $15. Electricity is invisible and can kill. Pay someone to help if you can’t find anything your comfortable with troubleshooting on your own.

I’d start by going back to the circuit breaker box and flip the circuit for the outlets in question off and then on. Just looking isn’t really enough because sometimes when they trip they still look like they’re in the on position.


Did that so many times :slight_smile: I guess I will have to call someone over. Even I turn off the breakers before I touch anything, but still not comfortable with this stuffs :slight_smile:

Waits for Mike or Bobby to answer.

Electric guys are on the board they can tell you. Or come help you.

^ Yes.

I have a meter if you need a quick check…depending on your location.

Yeah, meter will tell if the wires are hot…if so…maybe a bad outlet.

Did you see any black smudge marks on any of the outlets when you were checking for loose wires?

I can come out and take a look for you but it would have to be some time in the afternoon this week.

^ Work with this guy…


Please Mike :slight_smile: Thanks in advance. Just tell me when.

I would just move my bedroom