Electric Thread Poll

I have noticed this for a while now, there have been so many threads deticated to wiring issues and electrical problems.
I think we should set up another area specifically for electrical and wiring.


There are hundreds more!

a thread like that would be convenient, and a good place for people to start doing research before asking questions. . .

I think a totorial thread would be better. But seriously. I get a call every damn day from some guy in Edmonton asking a question about there engine not running right or a harness is messed. Pick up the damn FSM and read it for a night. Every anwser for electrical/sensor problem is in there!!!

^^^ LOL

Everybody wants someone else to figure out their problems, when if they looked in the FSM it would take them 30 mins to diagnose at the most

X2, I love reading FSM. They have those crazy flow charts for problem solving. Not to mention the cartoons in them are awesome.

where can i get one? i tried to download it last week, didnt seem to want to work :?

Is the Nissan list of FSM, for motors (if using SR20/CA18) look under the Silvia section. Don’t know if there a FSM for the S13 SR20. I remember reading about one, but never looked.

Is the Nissan list of FSM, for motors (if using SR20/CA18) look under the Silvia section. Don’t know if there a FSM for the S13 SR20. I remember reading about one, but never looked.[/quote]

S14 is the same basicly, Just ignore the VTC shit

i wish it worked. maybe my computer sucks too bad :finga: