I was cruising down and I noticed at my right side a tool with his girlfriend in a black Cobalt SS…he downshifted and pulled a car to le me know he wanted to play. Then pulled next to him and did the same thing to let him know he didnt have a chance with the teg. Seconds later he followed me and tried to pass me ( no way dude ) I downshifted and I was gone, he couldnt keep up :lol: gave him the :tdown:
2nd… kill there was a very nice new red A4 2.0T cruising down at around 40ish mph, very clean car…tried to pull next to him and he guns it, I did the same and bye-bye
We come to a light and he wouldnt look at me, I just wanted to comment on how nice his car looks. I guess he was pretty pissed.
that’s all