Elmisterioso666 > Mr.Smith + Kingsario

woah woah play nice boys

You realize I was just trying to get a rise out of you :stuck_out_tongue:

:lol: no reason for drama. i think most of us know we are all just messin around.


zomg i love boobies

lol rob.

you shut your mouth when your talkin to me!

i love john

can i have your 2nd child?

Sad to say but the only one getting a rise out of me these days is MrsSmith. :roll:


Elmisterioso666 >


you guys should make some videos :snky:

*check your facts pal


elmisterio :tup: nice kill record

i think its up to you and turbociv to see whos the champ.

And in the meanwhile, I think I should race mindless, mr. smith and kingsario next time I am in buffalo! :snky:

off topic but is smiths s2000 red?


mindless prefers to go offroading in the civic LOL


Circle track racing is the gayest shit ever conceived by rednecks who were purpose inbred to have a left arm that is shorter than the right arm.

NASCAR is gay… small home town racing is gayest. They are all liars, cheats, crooks and general trash.

I can count on one hand the decent people I have met that are invovled in circle track racing.


That is all. Carry on.

How do you really feel? :lol:

That the faggotry is stong with them