Empire Fitment website debut.

Honestly there are so many fucking run on sentences in your write ups man. I suggest you have someone proof read for you if you get alot of viewers on the web page

or find someone that has taken some college level english classes recently.

Mind pointing them out Frank?

In the Subaru one anyhow, I noticed it in the older ones

I’m not even trying to be a troll man I’m just saying if the page has alot of views and what not and you don’t have the articles spot on with no errors some people will become uninterested. See that was a run-on sentence

Not sure if trying to troll me but I did just take ENG 102 last semester lol

Some places you used and and didnt use commas where they needed to be.

no not trying to troll you at all, agreeing with you. unfortunately most car blogs seem like they are written by people that don’t care what is written down.

website sucks, eat shit bum

I’m with AVB, not being mean or trolling or anything, the one thing I did notice:

“If your a native of the Saratoga area chances are you have…”

Good call, we’ll have to take more time to comb through things

if you are writing them up in word, don’t expect it to catch every mistake, actually re-read them. going from your fb you write them a couple days before they make it to the site, go back a day later and read it out lout, make sure it makes sense then. have one of the other people that helps out with the site read it next. there can never be too many eyes on something

coming from the kid who’s personal essay for law schools was barely edited first draft, i can give advice, doesn’t mean i take my own lol.

My problem in high school and college was always proof reading. Not so much that I don’t see the mistakes but rather I don’t want to admit I made them LMAO. I think taking a day between writing and re-reading might actually help a lot, I’ll try that with this upcoming feature.

its the best thing you can do when proof reading. obv read it right after youre done but then again a day later.

I think you need more about the car. It seems the featurs are more about the persons character than the car. Personaly idc about them as a person i care about the car

Newest feature is up

the first sentence is so blatantly ignorant and closed minded american that i stopped reading right then and there. car looks nice though.

“Automotive restoration has long been reserved mostly for the domestic crowd.”… I know Elliott already said it but really? Really?

if this was 1995 and this was the first car blog ever it would be acceptable, but even in america restoring old japanese rides has been huge for at least the last 10 years, and i’m talking more then just 240zs, as owners have been restoring them since they bought them new since thats how quickly old datsun’s rusted.

or the massive amount of old Porsche’s that get restored… Or possibly Ferrari’s or bmw’s so many that aren’t domestic