Empire Fitment website debut.

Some of you have heard of it, some of you have talked about it, come check it out if you would like.

If you haven’t we are a facebook page/blog website that features only NYS based cars that have fitment (and no this does not only mean stretched tires and slammed cars) if its fitted we are into it, no discrimination against what type of aggressive fitment, meaty, stretched, stanced… we dont care.

www.empirefitment.com was just launched today with our first full feature
www.facebook.com/empire.fitment is the page our updates are posted to as well as quick features of NYS based vehicles only. So if you want to know when a new full feature drops or when we are having meets/what shows we will be at etc. Like that page.

Also on instagram @empire.fitment

Our goal is to showcase the fitment scene in NY and make an attempt to join together all the diverse groups that are presently dividing up our scene.

Good luck guys.

The “scene” is only as divided as one person says.

Highly disagree… Just look around you next time your t a meet, or going to one far away at how many different “groups” there are and how reluctant they are to co-exist. It’s disgusting.

Very surprised to hear that from you Jim, especially seeing your one of the older show guys that lived the scene at its peak…


Yea because the younger crowd are a bunch of retards.

You guys wonder why you cant keep a meeting spot.

See, that’s the problem, is that thought process, we had arOund 50 cars at our OC meet roll out, I’d say 70 percent of the owners under 20, and we had zero incidents, no burn outs, no street racing, no drifting l, no fighting… In fact the only trouble we had was getting pulled over for going too SLOW these young guys just need someone to lead by example, they follow suit

Everyone points fingers at each other rather than just admitting there is a problem and working to fix it together, everyone including myself is guilty of it.

I have zero issues if I roll up to a ROFL Wagens BBQ in my S2000. Same goes last night locally here at the weekly summer Friday night spot. I had a mud covered Dodge Ram on 37" TSL/SX’s park next to me. Zero fucks given. No problems.

If everyone would learn to relax and get the idea they have the “hottest shit on the block” there are no issues. No groups. No segregation.

However, I’ve said it numerous times now and I will continue to say it; the new Euro crowd is the old Honda crowd of 10 - 15 years ago.

What are you trying to fix exactly? You can change peoples behavior. All it takes is one jack off to ruin it for everyone.

Attesting for how smooth OC Meet went. I’ve never been more impressed. Extremely professional, and it resulted in a great time and some great photos. EF ftw.

Jon thanks man, glad you car out, gonna be setting up that BBQ we talked about tomorrow or Monday!

And if you guys really don’t see the issue just check out the OC meet thread in here. Look outside shift, shift is one group, and there are plenty others, we just hope to showcase all facets of the Fitment game to get people to come together is all, we will keep doing what we do and see where it leads us.

Faggets trying to defend the younger generation of fuck ups ITT…

you guys have no idea what a “scene” even is.

Thanks for the post, we will keep your feedback for consideration

Good post trying to take the high road… good luck getting your car inspected

Fitment is stupid


This, and the “stanced/fitment” peeps are the new rice. im happy to say I dont own anything like that anymore. Its a shame because 3-4 years ago I had some nice cars.


Still the best license plate. :rofl