Empire Fitment website debut.

yeah that was a classic. Pity no one would get it today…

that is how it has always been, and will always be. the car scene will never act differently. its also how life works.

just thought this should be posted again.

all this hate and I haven’t even posted yet

good work folks, I have nothing more to add really except maybe a go frig yourself to corey

so just read the first feature, and corey learn when to use an exclamation mark, having almost every sentence of a paragraph end in one is awful

I love how every “generation” of car fag things that they have “what it takes” to be a game changer and completely change the entire scene and how each clique gets along with each other.

wouldn’t that be so boring though? why does everyone want everyone else to like and be exactly like them? i want a diverse car scene where people do shit that makes me shake my head and go why

but then again i was running pink wheels when everyone was stuck on silver and maybe black every once in a while cause i believe in building your car for yourself and not a scene…oh well.

I like not being around certain “cliques”. I like going to shows/meets with older crowds.

Anyways good luck with your site. lol

God I love shift lol, Elliot you got it on the exlamation points, kinda ran away with it on the last paragraph. Everyone else, thanks or taking it so literal and slightly out of context, I’m not saying everyone should like everything everyone does, but respect it.

And the comment of building your car for you and not the scene, pretty sure everyone knows I agree with that one

What you should do is… make a build thread then have it locked.

At least these guy are trying. I don’t see any effort from anyone else

It’s usually the people who get butt hurt when someone says something they don’t agree with about their car, they want to change everything and think they’re doing the world a favor. I don’t expect everyone to like me, my car, or whatever. It’s a fact of life. If you don’t like it I could give two fucks less.

So I looked at our OC Meet thread here, what was the problem? We all were civilized. No one felt the need to do burnouts leaving Stuyvesant Plaza. No one was bumping Paul Wall - Sittin Sideways in the parking lot. Big deal, some Shift members didn’t want to meet up with your group. Who cares? Are you going to post in Lowered Congress Facebook page why they didn’t meet up before the show?

Change your own attitude and stop taking shit so seriously with cars and you’ll sleep better at night.

The effort from me has died a long time ago, as soon as I realized nothing’s going to change. I’ve been in the “scene” half of my life (I’m 25 now, started going to the lot at Colonie Target, Kohls when it wasn’t finished being built, Hoffmans, etc… when I was 13) and have seen tons of people come and go. There’s constantly some people trying to change the game, I wish them the best of luck.

Agree with this bro.

yea just had to youtube paul wall…i hate you right now

obv its your first feature so i don’t want to be too hard on you but that just made it very hard to take it seriously. but then again most car blogs are torture to read and i just look at pictures. i can’t even read speedhunters feature cause they are so poorly written.

It’s Pawl Wawl baby.

i had a couple pretty cool “stanced” cars but then all the dubbers turned to ricers LOL

The older VW guys are still cool, I’m talking about a good percentage of the 18 year olds lol.

the fuck is wrong with Paul Wall/Sittin’ Sideways?