Empire Fitment website debut.

Yea. Looks terrible now. Still damaged property, looks good on the reputation of the Empire


Chad, that is a very good point…still divable, but smells like poo poo. I second this

My comment was in relation to the “destroyed” comment

Well that was only one car

You wouldn’t consider your car destroyed after that? Be up asap

Clearly you guys aren’t interested in what were trying to do, so well do our thing and you can think what you may… Currently have 4 features either shot or being shot within the week, so stay tuned if your interested

I’m surprised vlad is letting you advertise, I’d lock this shit right up.

I’m just upset that you feel it’s okay to do shit like that at a car meet… Do that at guptills and your paying the damages from thrashing the pavement

Good way to ruin a reputation for everyone else attending. Prob won’t be welcome back to that guys property.

That show was terribly unorganized anyway, First they were full and then they were taking money to let people park in an field they had no right to use.

There’s no way they are welcome back there, there permit/insurance was nowhere near covering what showed up, guy was screaming about that halfway through the day, we also had 3 cool cats in Audis and I think a Subaru come do donuts in the grass, care to guess who were the only ones to go say anything to them? Empire Fitment.

So grass that grows back is a game changer but expensive ass black top is no big deal. Word.

Empire fitment is a realllly shitty name

Eh, I’ve always known shift to be against anything other than sword fighting amongst the original 20 members.

Im all for doing what you want with your car, But ruining that road is no better than the clowns at the lot doing burn outs and shit. In reality you guys are no better and your fools to tell your self any different.

empire fitment sounds like a tailor or some sort of shoe store

Any relations to empire promotions ? Get a hold of Carmen agristi and maybe hell drop you a line or 2

Lowered cars with wide wheels and offsets…‘yawns’

I mean really… More power to you, it’s cool that you guys got all into it with the site. I predict that this will be a short lived venture that will fade when interests shift elsewhere. Meets with the younger crowd are inevitably going to have goobers ready at will to cause problems, destroy stuff or otherwise piss off event organizers. Best of luck and don’t take this as hating or saying it can’t be done.

any connection with Empire Vision?