So will I.
I can tell MANY people I have worked with are far from the ideal “candidate” for jobs they do DAMN WELL, when viewed upon in their personal life outside work. Right now, looking around my pod at the state, knowing most of them outside of work too some are drug addicts, social pot smokers, heavy drinkers, complete assholes in public, etc…yet they have been employed here for 5-10+ years, doing their work and doing it well. They turn off their lives for 8 hours a day and go to work. Unless you got to know them outside work, you would never know. Hell I know someone here that makes 100K+, has been here for 10+ years, and smokes weed like a HOSS and I am rather sure he and his wife are swingers! LOL Dude shows up in a suit every day and you would never know it. On the flip side, I see the failures that are on the road to nowhere in a career path that are straight saints outside of work… People I worked with that look 100% normal outside work, yet are 100% clueless when it comes to doing the work… making you think how the hell they even had this job in the first place
When I was in college, we had many older students there with certs, degrees, and all this “perfect resume” stuff… yet they were un-employed. Short term jobs on and off. And that got us thinking. If you could pad, or stretch the truth on your resume, and be an awesome interviewee… I bet you could land jobs you have no real idea how to complete… Get in and work them for a month, collect your money and wait to get fired. Then try again. Make it like a study to see how fucked up the interviewing process really is.