Emuscles at the gym: Video inside HAHA


wow this is too funny. i got the colonie cops called on me at that gym, got my gfs gym membershiped revoked as well.

but whats even funnier is i know a kid who did this at the colonie location. put a 75lb dumbell right through the mirror and wall.

Haha nice!

what the hell did you do?

was a holiday and me and my ex (like 3 years ago) went to PF. as soon as i stepped in the place i was getting eye fucked by the people behind the desk. i signed in as Even Centopanni.

i was doing bent over rows and placed a 25lbs plate on the ground from knee height and the manager got in my face. well when i didnt punk down he got all butthurt and called the cops. i finished my workout too hahaha

lol nice work!

LMFAO being a former PF employee that makes this video and E’s story ten times better. these are like the ultimate planet fitness sins. of course i never gave anyone a hard time and was the ultimate offender on and off the clock haha.who was the manager that did this E, was his name Mike? Somewhat balding older gentleman.

yup i think so. he was a tool and i almost whopped his ass.

haha yeah he can be a tool, beleive it or not hes a decent guy and a former schenectady cop, went to jail for aiding and abedding a crack house, nonetheless got out PF manager was all he could do, and took his retarted job far to serious because he wanted to move up to regional. That never happened.

by me all the people that work in PF are fat girls or old, sloppy guys. is this the norm for every PF?

I feel seasick from attempting to watch that video

Whats with the siren going off in the beginning?

if I remember right PF has some kind of stupid alarm for when people are grunting and shit

its called a “LUNK ALARM”

How do decent guy and went to jail for aiding and abedding a crack house fit in the same sentence?

it was sarcasm rubino

I know the guy that I believe actually is the regional manager

now or before? before it was anthony oglesby, black dude maddd cool (moved on to open his own gym.) then it was this mike scum bag who threw E out. He left to manage anthony’s now 5 gyms. and currently it is Sean Wilcoxon total and complete fag from glen sanders.

Yeah, Sean’s the guy I know.
I know him because of him working at Glen Sanders and me delivering there.
He does seem like a complete fag but supposedly he’s straight and has a girlfriend.

yeah his coverup gf is kinda hot