Enclosed trailer cost?

See if Travis’ trailer he lives in is for sale, he might cut you a deal.

I dunno… I wish my garage had two bays. Would be perfect. I dont think I’d want a house that was any bigger. I hate cleaning it now.


Make the women clean


Well you do have a supra bissch! I didnt read above posts, yeah you could pick up a nice used 25’ for about 8K or so

Even if you are just bringing the car, 18’ makes strapping down a normal car a bitch. If you want a drum too, get at least a 20’. V-nose enclosed trailers are perfect for carrying the drum in the front out of the way.

New, absolutely. However prices across the board have plummeted since most enclosed trailers are luxury purchases. Jammer and I are shopping for a big one now and deals are everywhere.


Thanks for the info about the the v-nose, be perfect to fit that gas in there. Anything illegal about transporting it?

8K is out of my range btw

I own a 16 year old Toyota.

Lmao one that cost’s more then a quarter of what a decent house costs

55-gal is the legal max for every state I checked (almost everywhere east of the Mississippi). Still, I wouldn’t advertise that it’s in there. DOT has a huge rulebook for transporting cars (crossing straps, number of straps, mounting points, etc) so they can find something wrong with anything so I try not to give them a reason to examine the trailer in the first place.

www.racingjunk.com is the best collection of trailers I’ve found online. Prices are all over the board but you can save a ton of money but not getting one loaded to the hilt. If you arent living out of it at wherever you’re going, just get a wood box inside and put e-trak everywhere and get straps off ebay. Can be done right for $5k right now due to low prices everywhere.

I thought you needed Hasmat cert to have race gas on your trailor? I could be wrong though…

No its just like having regular gasoline. Actually less flammable isn’t it? I mean have a higher ignition point

Anything over 55gal you do. Based on container, not quantity. In other words, if you have 20 gal in a 70 gal drum, its just as illegal as 70 gal.

Plastic 55-gal drums are available cheap locally. Dont know where, but companies usually throw them out. As long as the threads on top arent damaged, it’ll seal and keep water out of the fuel indefinitely.

I just know guys used to get their balls busted alot for having it on the trailor… idk

I wanna say harbor freight sells them

While we’re talking trailers and getting balls busted, dont put “RBakerian Suprafast Racing LLC Ltd Inc.” on the side. Cops will think its for a business and so you should have a DOT number and you have no way to prove otherwise. We have the law that allows private use printed out in the glove box at all times, but still it’s just better not to get hassled.

I am totally putting boy toucher inc on his trailer

Whoa…copyright infringment!

Lmao Fine Touching little boys racing