encryption key?

this is probably a really easy question, but how do i figure out the encryption key for my router? i haven’t had internet on my laptop since i changed it when i was in california because of it. thanks in advance

Your router may or may not have it in plain text… You need to login to your router, depending on the name brand it is probably or Then look under a wireless options type deal. If you have problems logging into your router because you forgot the login/password and you know you changed it from the default then look into resetting your router back to the default settings, most have a little reset button on the back or bottom. You can try looking up the default login/password either in your manual, or on google if you lost the manual.

edit: also, if your router doesn’t show the key in your plain text your going to want to reset the router.

i fixed it already

jay has no idea what he is talking about :cjerk:

i hate you howie :frowning:

Hahhaah, Jay… N00b!