Stupid personal network questions

2 pcs, running xp.
linksys hardwire router.

I lost the software years ago, but plug and play and it works.
However, occasionally it will show me online and firewalled, but the internet will not work.

I will have to disable and re enable the network or reset the router to regain connection. No warning ect just randomly.

Any Ideas?

try getting into it through

Do ipconfig /all

Whatever the gateway address is should be your router


Post up the make and model I can tell you the default login

See if there are are updated drivers for your network card in the PC and check for updated firmware for the router. I’m assuming XP has all it’s various service packs and updates.

If you never changed it the password for every linksys I’ve seen is user: admin pass: admin. The router will default to so just toss that IP in your web browser.

brb time to go mess with the wifi at JaySs house

Mine isn’t the default password ;). And it’s WPA2 with a mixed case/numbers/special characters password on the wifi.