Help with router/internet connection

so before the huge storm last month, i had a router (not wireless) hooked up to my main computer going out to my computer in the basement. everything was working fine. today i finally got my time warner internet back and my computer in the basement is not picking up any internet. i got a new modem so that may have something to do with it, i dont know. i tried unplugging the ethernet cord from the computer in the basement, but it still doesnt work. and when i look to see if there’s a connection, it says there is. so im lost. what do you folks think?

I have replaced a ton of NIC’s since the storm…

anyone know any solutions?

1.) look for blinky lights on the modem
2.)(assuming you’re running windows) hook directly into the modem with computer “Start>>run>>“cmd”>>ipconfig” if you have an IP etc, unplug computer from modem. plug in router, plug computer to router
3.)go to routers settings page (could be, thats the norm for new linksys anyway)
4.) see if router has an IP from the modem. see if you have IP from router (start>>run>>blah blah)

If you have an ip from the router and the router has an ip from the modem, but you get no connectivity to the internet router/NIC/modem is fucked.

if you have Internet, relax and enjoy.

You router may have dropped its settings.

it’s gotta be something with my router. i tried looking at the configeration of my d-link router (model: DI-604), but it doesnt work. i know the ip of it is, but it just gives me an error page. i may just contact dlink and see what they tell me.

You sure its not 1.1

yea, tried it. still no go

Is this the only computer hooked up to that router?

Could be a number of things, starting with some basics:

-What is the IP address from the computer to the router (use ipconfig to get this)
-Can you at least ping the router from the command prompt if you have a valid IP? (ping for a D-Link)
-Any firewalls/AV software? If so try disabling said software.

  1. my IP address would be.
  2. i dont know what you are talking about for that, lol
  3. all firewalls and software were disabled a while ago

That isn’t an address typically associated to a router. It would sound as if this computer has a direct connection to the modem based on that.

If it is indeed connected to the router is this computer running Win98/Me by chance?

Double check the settings in the router.

A firmware upgrade MIGHT help…

Make sure its setup for dhcp.

Unplug everything first.

Ping the router usually… If it responds try to login to it. If you can login to it, check the config. If you can’t get it to give you a dhcp address, its most likely hosed.

ok i figured it out. i remembered that the time warner repair guy unplugged on of the cables from my router, and i recall just plugging it back into a slot in the middle of the router that was open. he must have switched some of the cables cus there was no ethernet cord going from the router to the modem. so once i rectified that, all is good. thanks for the help tho guys.