Help with internet issues

Working on a computere here and its not behaving.

It was a computer bought online that wasnt new.

I didnt have an IP and wouldnt give itself one.

I did ipconfig/release and ipconfig/renew to establish an ip

Pings are succesful with 50% data loss and IP DNS and all that is now showing an actual ip and such.

It still will not connect to the internet, through ethernet or wireless

I go to IE it will say its detecting proxy settings web site found, waiting for reply, and the progress bar will get to about 50% before it gives up after 3 minutes.

Im out of ideas here

Please help me make this work. Thanks.

Did you check to make sure that “automatically detect” under tcp/ip properties in the internet connectin properties is selected?

If you are having 50% data loss, you cable is probably stretched, kinked, nicked etc… start by trying a different cat5 cable and work in from there.

Cat5 works fine with other computer

now I have another issue and I do the bang head on keyboard.

Wireless was working flawlessly and i decided it would be a good idea to disable it and continue to try to get cat5 to work.

Since I disabled wireless by double clickcing on it in the start bar it has since disapeared and im driving myself nuts looking for it.



What version of Winders?

Sorry, XP Pro

nvm found the issue thanks

Ok, so its not alright

found mr wireless adapter. and it doesnt want to turn on.

went throught device mangler and discovered it has one of those nice little ! next to it. I cannot update drivers because the interwebs doesnt work.

If i disable and enable it it does not show in network connections.

Again, this is rediculars.

going nuts here, thanks

do your network settings have TCP/IP setup as a static IP or to automatically assign one?

Not that Im aware of, I established an IP through CMD

ok well are you still fighting with the wireless or LAN connection?

either way go into your network connections, right-click on either>properties. Select TCP/IP click properties there and see what is selected.

In TCP/IP Properties

Obtain an IP address automatically is checked, and use the following DNS Server Addresses is checked but no IP’s or DNS’s are listed.

and id rather have wireless back since that worked before and I know it did ,i just somehow broke it in disabling it

ok that’s fine, now can you navigate to (or whatever your router IP might be, this one is pretty standard)

Gotta find out if DHCP is enabled or not

DHCP is enabled

entered the IP, and it gave itself a subnet mask of 255.255.255.

edit, this is for lan, because the wireless is still disapeared

I wish i could get it back to where it was, the wireless was working fine, and I sohuld have just left it alone, but i had to make sure the lan worked and then it all broke

i still need help here…

i appreciate all the help so far

In device manager, right click on your wireless with the ! and remove it. Then right click on the top icon and scan for new hardware. Should work to restart your fux0red driver. Enable/disable doesn’t reload the driver. Don’t worry, the driver is still on your computer so you won’t lose it when you remove the device.

Try right clicking in the status bar section of the taskbar and choose “Customize Notifications…”

See if you can find your (disabled) wireless adaptor status there and change it from “always hide” to “always show.”

It’s worth a try to get it back in your task bar so you can work with it.

well, fryman, that almost worked.

I uninstalled the device and searched and reinstaled it, entered the wep and told it to connect, after about 20 seconds it appeared to have connected but sitll had a red X on the device. No packets were transferring and pings were unsuccessful

It still has an explamation point next to it in device mangler.

I feel like this is so close to being done but something stupid is in the way.

Well, time to go smoke before i smash this thing