dropping internet connection on a laptop.

I have an old dell 600m that I had to buy an ebay motherboard for.
The original would freeze up and require a reboot to work again.

After a month, the ‘new’ MB is starting down the same path.
It locks up, but the annoying part is that it will not connect to the internet after 10 minutes or so.

But, I can still connect to my other PC’s and the wife can play some online rummy game without issue.

Websites will not load.
I have disabled security settings and such with my verizon supplied router
with no luck. Changing the channel settings also does not work.

Could a bad motherboard stop only websites from working?
I have tried iprelease and enabling/disabling the connection, reconnecting etc… I think at one point, even tracrt worked but IE and firefox would not. (I would have to try it again before i commit to that)

Once the internet stops working, the only way to get it back is to restart.

Any thoughts?
Other than buy another $150 ebay motherboard that will suffer the same fate as the previous 2.

If the network card stopped working entirely I would not have an issue…
but since it still has limited functionality, its really annoying.

I am open to the possibility that I’m just a tool who can not configure my network :smiley:
At least I could get it to connect… Ther verizon installer had no clue.

Connected via wifi or ethernet?


Ethernet port never managed seemed to work on the “new” MB.
I never put much effort into it since I would never be using it.

The MB is pretty bad. If I flex the base a little, it will work again for a while.
I guess its a really common problem with the 600m’s

if flexing has ANY affect on it… then u might as well just disable the wireless in the bios and get a pc card for $40

Flexing causes issue with the MB sure.

But the internet stops working every time.

Sometime the PC will work for hours, but the internet will not.
Why would a card allow a game to connect and run, but not be able
to deal with web traffic?

Just to bring this back from the dead.

Any idea why I can tracert websites with no issue, but with IE and firefox they will not load? Ping works fine as well.

I have tried all kinds of router settings wondering if there were channel issues.
restarting the router also has no effect.

If it was a motherboard problem, I should lose all connectivity right?

If you can ping and traceroute to the IPs of the sites something is wrong on OS/Application level of the laptop.

Are you running vista? I have a Dell Latitude D630 with Vista and it would randomly kick me off wi-fi and I’d have to restart to reconnect. I downloaded updated drivers from Microsoft and it’s been perfect since. I wish I could remember exactly which ones they were, but that may narrow it down a little from changing hardware.

if it’s just web traffic that isnt working… and aim, games etc work fine… u have winsock issues or have been hijacked.

Not necessarily, Vista doesn’t really like wi-fi for some reason. I also recommend pinging/traceroute websites. With the possibility of getting a network card.

Its running XP pro.

I don’t remember having any problems until Fios was installed.
The installer decided to do my wife a favor and try to get it running on my laptop,
but he could not get it to work at all.

I hope I can get some MS updates in 10 miniutes or less. :slight_smile:


Thanks, I’ll try that.

might want to update the wifi driver as well…


Drivers were the 1st thing I tried updating.

No dice.

Still drops the connection unless I restart the PC.

open the laptop, take unplug and plug back in the wireless card…

make sure antenna’s connected properly.

I have had it apart a few times and it has does not stop my connectivity problem.

I also figured out that one of the RAM slots is bad, thats why it was freezing up
if I moved it at all.

It runs fine now, except for the internet.
I tried the winsock fix, as well as netsh commands.

There are no browser helpers enabled, and nothing came up on ad aware/spybot and virus scans.

I’m not sure what diagnostic stuff I can do before and after the web traffic stops working.

have u tried another wireless card yet?

None available to me.