Cant connect laptop to internet

So i have an old laptop that i basically only use for d/l music but since i moved i cant seem to get it on the internet.

the wireless card recognizes the network but it says i have limited or no connectivity even though its 10 ft away from the router. i also tried hard lining it to no avail any ideas as to what i should attempt? thx

My thinkpad was doing this lately as well, but It hadn’t been reformated in 5 yrs…so I had it reformated. however, it seemed that the drivers were just corrupted and I could have just re-loaded the drivers…

just reset the router internally

are there any other comptuers connecting to it without a problem? try it hard wired?

yea my 360 and my g/f laptop are connected all the time. the hard wire method failed as well as did resetting the modem/router

maybe it’s a bad network card, if you have other computers on it and you can’t even get online while hardlined

static ip address configured on the network adapter?

perhaps you have some numbers hard coded in there that need to be changed

If you are connecting wireless, is there a switch on the side of the laptop to enable/disable your wireless? Perhaps thats set to OFF?

when it’s connected “with limited activity” open IE or firefox (or whatever you use) and try
going to:

do you get your router login screen? Or does it bring you to Verizon/TW online?

I had similar problems with my iphone when I moved into the new place. I had to re-activate my account with verizon via the phone. Why? I have no idea but it worked.

if that doesn’t work, can you connect to your ISP’s homepage with it?