I cant remember my Wireless password, how can I retrive it?

Im trying to connect to my wireless router with my new iBook, but i cant remember my router password, how can i get it from my PC?

as far as i know you cant. You can, however, reset the router and re-do the WEP, SSID, etc

EDIT: reset the router by holding down the reset button until all the lights flash. Can take upto 30seconds.


unplug the routers power for a few minutes.

Cant you type in your IP or something in the address bar and dosent your linksys stuff come up? I cant remember how I did it before.

try: (edited)

That tends to be many router’s “homepage”.

Mine must be dyslexic. It’s

No, I am. You’re right.

mine is for my linksys router

same here.

Remember must be hardwired w/the static to do this.
Just go in there and change your info and you’ll be fine.

Or if its a wrt54g easy connect, just use the easy connect installer exe from linksys site and it can just bring up a config style menu for you

If he cant remember the password to his router, telling him how to get to the login page is useless. Because once he gets there, he still cant login without the password.

If he resets the router the password is the default that came with the router.

I forgot what that actually is on the Linksys. Usually its just admin

Default passwords for routers:

Find yours located here, reset, and then go to the “homepage” of the router to setup and login.


if linksys… u/n and password both admin. Click wireless, check security, find password. If you cant do that. Reset the router from the button on the back. You can connect again with no security key. Then just go to the router settings for the default IP and set everything up again

incorrect info.

The default password on a linksys is admin, but the user name is blank.

from my link:

Product Wireless Router
Version WRT54G
User ID (none)
Password admin
Level Administrator

I figured it out last night, but i still cant get online. I just picked up a iBook for cheap so my girl can browse Victorias secrect site and stay the hell of my computer, but it keeps sayng that connection failed when trying to go to a website. It has the siginal and password from my wireless router so I dont know why it dosent work. It currently has OS 9.2, but I am about to install OS X on there instead. Anymore ideas?

What IP is it getting on the mac?

Not sure, I am about to put OSX on there and see if that changes anything.

well i need to use admin for both u/n and password.

not sure if it’s different for you

Well I could be wrong, but it sounds more like he is looking for a WEP/WPA key, rather than his router login info…

Yes, but he can reset is WEP/WPA key from the router setup page. And if the passkeys are not right, that would keep the iBook from getting on the internet.

On the flip side, does the iBook see anything else on the network (local computers?)