End my hellish suffering? Gateway laptop wont connect

My girlfriend has a gateway computer that will not connect to our network. Its her laptop. I have Time Warner cable going into their modem, from their it goes to my net gear wireless router. My 360 runs off the router, and my laptop (Dell) /ipod can pickup the signal no problems.

Her laptop connects to random networks that are no use (attwifi, the subway store across the road) It will not display a list of available networks, however. Her laptop had a ton of malware, viruses, whatever. I ran malwarebytes took a BUNCH of crap off it.

Ideas? I’m trying everything I can from google, Wireless Zero Config, …idk what to do and she just keeps bitching!


Neither firefox or IE works, when I try “Repair connection” I get “Can’t register with DNS”. I tried to turn off the firewall on Windows Security Center, but it isnt on…when I try to turn it on I get “Windows cannot start the Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) software”

I’m willing to bet she doesnt think you are a hero.I would reinstall windows or restore it.

Trying a restore right now

format that ish…

Yeah, if it had malware and stuff on it I’d just reinstall Windows. Start fresh, problem solved…

Wipe it… if it’s that Fubar’d there’s not much other you can do. Grab what she needs (Pictures/files) and dump the rest.

Normally I’m against uninstalling as the first “method” of fixing a problem. You could probably fix it yourself running various tools, and changing settings; but it’d would probably save more time reinstalling windows/

On the reformat bandwagon.

yeah, time is the problem. it’s just so damn easy to reformat and install windows fresh.

Reinstall the os, y0

You may want to hit F8 to get into safe mode and reformat

this is who i was waiting for to chime in.