Engine Overheating

So I was driving home from school today, nice an leisurely, hardly boosting, everything seemed normal, the temp guage was reading fine. Then I got home, parked the car and turned it off. It took me a few seconds to collect my books and when I got out of the car I could hear bubbling and saw steam from the side of the hood. Popped the hood and the coolant was bubbling into the overflow tank. I turned the car back on to keep the coolant circulating and the fan pulling, the car fired up no problem. The temp guage was reading right at NOT the whole time and eventually started to drop though there was still coolant bubbling in the resevoir.

Any ideas guys?
Engine is a CA18DET.

crazy…my temp gauge on my cluster sometimes reads H but when i pull over and check everything seems normal…

Hmmm, it seems there is a bad leak around the water pump that I didn’t notice before. Ugh

change ur thermostat maybe stuck

you have 2 problems.

1 problem: Your over heating. Could be a few things. Thermostat, rad, shroud, not full/bled properly ect…

2 problem: Your temp sensor in your engine is out of calabration. This is the single wire sensor. Grab a new one out of a KA. Should be the same. think its like 1.2 ohms at 20 deg and .6 ohms when at 80 deg. Check the FSM for proper ohm readings.