Engineers: Which minor? CE/EE?

Its time I start thinking about a minor to compliment my ME degree. I have to do a liberal arts minor and I choose Economics which will go great with my AS in Business Admin.

What do you guys think of a CE or EE minor? I think CE would be more applicable to mechanical engineering but I really dont. Any/all advice appreciated.

EE would be far more practical than CE IMO.

I would go with the electrical side of things. I got my ME degree and find alot of companies like to see EE’s as well. If you have both, you will be set for alot of positions. Some companies I talked to have said they find it easier to train ME’s for detailed electrical stuff than EE’s for mechanical stuff when a position requires both skills. So definately having EE as the minor will help

Definitely EE. I’m an ME by degree and an EE by trade, since I’ve been specializing in controls for years. I’m awesome. And valuable. Be like me. You’ll get jobs. And chicks.

Definitely EE unless you want to get into energy such as gas/oil/coil etc.

EE, so many opportunities with what you want to do, that also pay $$$.

Wow. I didnt expect such an over whelming majority. I guess I’ll go talk to the EE dept after break and see whats required for a minor. Hopefully I dont need any pre-reqs.

Since we are all here, what other advice do you guys have for an ME in the works such as myself?

At UB, CE is pretty much EE with a few extra classes. Wouldnt be a stretch to take both.


What other advice do you need? School-wise or Job-wise?


This. Close to my situation…although I don’t deal with controls and I can’t be as awesome as Fry. Works out very well to have electrical knowledge.

Both. I dont know what I dont know so its hard to ask specifically. Hopefully I can get on some job shadows soon, which should help, but its hard bc they schedule classes so its almost impossible to have a whole day or two off during the week. I’m trying to get a mwf schedule next quarter but its not looking good.

Engineering will require at least some knowledge in all those areas.
Praxair R&D recruits CE’s but my team leader and some team members are ME’s while I have an EE background. I wish I hadmore ME and CE experience.

Try to look at the specific differences in actual coursework. EE’s can learn CE stuff and CE’s can learn EE stuff.
None of what you do will be rocket surgery and if you can prove you are well rounded you should be able to get good internships.

Who makes more? EE’s or CE’s? I’m going to guess CE’s?
Maximize your income as early as you can and learn the rest on the job and in grad school.

idk how much into foreign languages you are, but im still going for mine in french, i speak it naturally but i want some paper saying I can, i’d love to travel for my company one day

While I agree with you about maximizing income as early as possible, this really isn’t about that as the income will inevitably be there. In this stage of the game its about making sure I am heading in the direction where I can be gainfully employed doing something I ‘enjoy’. I don’t want to end up on some degree/career path that leads me somewhere I don’t want to be, but by the time I realize this its too late. I cant be going back to school for the 4th time.

In the next 10 months I plan on doing a lot of information gathering, both in off-hand ways such as this and in job shadows. So when it comes time for co-ops I know where I want to go, instead of using my precious co-ops as try-outs. They are too valuable to possibly throw away perusing an area/company/discipline I have no interest in.

---------- Post added at 10:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:23 AM ----------

I had originally thought of learning German so I could co-op/work for BMW but for one reason or another I have changed my mind.

There are way too many different points of view, pieces of advice, life lessons, experiences, etc… to give you good advice. Basically, don’t make dumb choices. If things are preventing you from focusing on school work/future…then look at your situation for what it is.

You need School, Job, Place to live, Car, and food. You don’t need a G/F that doesn’t support your endeavours, a siq ride, party money, a FAT savings, 4G iPhone, Digital Cable, etc…

I think too many fear that school/career balancing act. In most cases you will find students living above their means. You are in college, you should not be worrying about how to pay your bills. If you can’t afford what you have then cut expenses. You can always make money. You can’t always get an education.

For the job, if you have one now it should not be a stressful one. School is more important in this stage than ANY job. Let me rephrase, any commerical job outside the scope of your career can suck your salty nuts if it interefers with your progression. Stay respectful but that is the bottom line. If you are working in your industry, get a plan together. If you plan it out, even in your head, you will have a much easier time making “though” choices when you bargain for movement or tell you boss you completed what you set out for.

Bitches, see previous statement. If you have a person in your life that nags, complains, drains your wallet for their selfish needs, wants you to take their burdens, etc…drop them like a bad habit. You don’t need life stress at this point.

This is really something that will vanish, free time. I went to school full time, typically 12-15 credit hours, and worked full time, 40 hours, for 4-1/2 years to get my bachelors, total of 143 credit hours I believe. In my case I gave up a lot of things as I could not justify putting off my education. What worked out in my favor is that I got accustomed to the workload such that it was not tiring. I can easily pull an 16 hour day, gome home, eat diner, relax for an hour and then be back on my feet in 6 hours…but that is me.

If you are driven you will succeed. If you half-ass it, go look for a job at Mighty Taco.

Did I answer your question? Probably not. But, I am a realist. Not in a cosmos sense. More of, if this is going to stop me from what I want then I must choose another path.

Good luck to you.

Dont take my lack of reply as unappreciative, but I was looking for whole days off so I could do job shadows. I have a few places I can go to now but its hard only being available for a half day.

And yea, this isnt my first go at college. I dont have cable (or a tv), I dont have a ‘real’ job; school comes first. If an employer cant work around my schedule then too bad. But that said I do have 3 part time jobs. (granted two are through the school and only a few hours a week, but money is money). I’m almost to the point where I dont have to worry about bills. After this summer I’ll be totally debt free besides prior student loans. And I do live at or below my means; I like shopping at goodwill, I almost never eat out, I dont have a smart phone.

And in response to your first statement, I know there are thousands of different opinions on what I should do. I’m just trying to get as much information as possible so I can make the most informed decision. Either way I will end up making my own choice, regardless of what anyone else says. Thats just how its always been with me. But I am learning to not be so stubborn and hopefully learn from others mistakes.

Dude, you don’t need any help. You will be fine. Just keep your eyes open.

For advice, you already said you “end up making ‘your’ own choice.” That is more important than anything. If you just need leads I would hit up your departments office and get to know the folks there. Seriously, they will help you.

Don’t worry about a career getting in the way of education. Once you get into a regiment you can manage it if you really are doing something you like.

I currently hold a degree from UB but probably going back to school starting in the summer for CE or CS.

The last time I was recruiting at an engineering career fair, everybody and their fucking brother wanted to do computer engineering and circuit boards and all that <12V shit. The market’s flooded with CE/EE engineering students that want to do computer shit, but you can hardly find anyone interested in power systems or controls. EE will give you much more valuable skills than CE. Also, don’t worry too much about completing a minor so much as taking and doing well in classes that will give you relevant skills.

Heh. I went down the >24V path. I wish I had done a lot more with power and machines.