Episode 1: Travis vs. The Bank

Interwebz is serious business wayne.:hug Did you not get the fucking memo. This calls for another movie. :vlad

Hey who let the Yetti in from the mountains. Aren’t you suppose to be picking up Little Big Red 40 minutes ago.


i loled in anticipation.

its true but i got …distracted again this morning so i’m pickin him up @ 10. relax big guy we’ll be over shortly.


Whoa I bash cossey all the time when we go out and he laughs about it. He can take just as much shit as the next guy. I wont argue that he isnt a dick because he is deuschtastic

St2SC’dCobalt grow some balls

yea going after cossey is only gonna make things worse. and i can also say i dont give a shit about his money. cossey is still the same guy just now he has a porsche instead of a pos subaru. lol. so back off my fat friend OR ELSE we’ll make more funny videos and make you cry again.

Bravo, good preach there fella. Too bad nobody cares. Wanna play in a nazi regulated forum, go join Rennlist and pay your dues. This is our sandbox and nobody invited you or your politics. Go loiter somewhere else.

I don’t see anyone hanging off of cosseys nuts, I’ve known of cossey for a few years from him working at advanced, the first time i really talked to him was when he hooked me up with discs/pads for my g20 cause I ddient have enough cahs so he worked his magic… then i started talking to him thru vlad etc…

Dont look at him any differantly now, hes still the same as he was and any time i’ve been around him he doesnt flaunt himself any differantly, his a doucehbag but in a funny way, just gotta know how he is…

and Piece of the pie? really dude? Why would anyone exspect cossey to give them a “piece of the pie”? The only thing I want is a ride in the Porche sometime, other than that, I just hope he goes back to advanced auto so he can continue to work his magic… As far as I’m concerned cossey is entitled to what he has, and everyone here understands that, sure people are like wow he has money awsome, and frankly ill admit im a little jelouse I wish I could get that kind of money, but no offesne to cossey obviously but id rather have what was taken from me than what was given to me.

Who gives a F about money lol. I cant imagine wanted to hang out with someone just because they have money.

That video was pretty damn funny though, well done.

Travis, I dont know you, but you really do need to lighten up. Take it as flattery.


I don’t understand why people get so butthurt on forums. If I were bashed on a forum repeatedly I either deserve it (stay and take it like a man) or just leave. None of this “waaaaaahhhhhh I’m said about stuff” bullshit

I dont care about money, id just like it to make my car faster :frowning:


Dont we all.

:rofl Yeah Trav take it as flattery :rofl

Lmfaooooo! Im Dying laughing over here!!! :rofl

Travis, don’t take it so hard. You’re not the only person who gets busted on when they make a mistake. EVERYONE on this forum will get their ass ripped for something they that makes no sense. I’ve said some stupid shit and sure as shit people jumped all over. I didn’t expect anything less.

The only difference is that you continue, on an almost daily basis to make yourself look retarded. I’ve always kind of sat back and watched when it comes to you because honestly I feel bad. You keep getting the shit end but now it is becoming more and more apparent that you are mostly the reason this shit keep happening to you. Don’t blame other people for your mistakes. Nobody on this forum would have anything to say if you didn’t first make the mistake.

Ladies and gentlemen… Travis Koch!
I may be fat, a douchebag, and whatever else you wanna call me, but at least I’m not a scumbag, smell like absolute shit, and owe more people money than General Motors. People do like me. See, I’ve had a lot more friends than you even before any money was in my future. So go fuck yourself. It’s YOU and YOUR FRIENDS that make all of your mishaps public. How do you expect the public to take the stupidity that comes out of your life?