Episode 1: Travis vs. The Bank

id LOVE to make one about you and see how you’d deal with people ripping into you 24/7 and then when you dont like it tell you to bend over and take it in the ass like the lil bitch you are. i wont though. im better than that, and im better than you. cossey, people are hanging off your nuts right now because you have money and a nice car. that doesnt change the fact your a fuckin douchebag in person. of course everyone is going to deny it and continue to hang out with you because they want their “piece of the pie” so to speak. you aren’t worth the Charmin extra soft you wipe your fat ass with.

hey cosseys giving aways $$$$$ or pie mmmmmmm pie . whats up buddy i like apple pie lollol . travis u think u are a target just amagin me on the other fourm when i would go to respond i spelled everything wrong . eerrrrrr you know how frustrating that is lololololol it just gave everyone more wood for the fire.

isnt it about time u bought a nitrous kit or something?

not untill the bank opens at 9-9:30

lol ok. fair enough

Best Movie EVER!!!

Still :rofl ing

lol maybe he’s a douchebag to you in person, Cossey was way cool way before the P-Car.

I’m not going to look at Coseey any different because he’s got money, but of course that’s where your mind and self entitlement go right to first.

Sounds like someone feeling a bit green this am to me :rofl

These text-to-movie things are great! This has reached a new level of epicness!!

:rofl Yep, all this happened because you’re such a nice guy! You dont totally deserve it!

f the movie… travis’ posts in this thread are WIN!

How much money does he owe you?


Prays for an answer with 4 figures for epicness


bahahahaha :rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl

are you fucking kidding me!?!??! this shit is awesome.

the best part is that it’s completely fictional and not representative on anyone on here. ahahahaha :bowdown:bowdown:bowdown

man that aint right. I knew Cossey “in person” long before the eye thing even started. he was always legit to me.

x2 but I won’t lie. Cossey definitely has a better shot at sleeping with me now :excited:thumbup

oh and that Penny pinching TDILOGIK line had me in stitches. i almost spit out my coffee.:haha

Heh Trav,

Apparently, some of the “mods” here (I use the term loosely) can’t get their act together.

The problem begins because 1/2 of the mods shouldn’t even be mods in the first place (kind of like the wolf watching the sheep).

Also, this issue has already been addressed in the 12-23-2008 thread “NO MORE PERSONAL ATTACK THREADS AKA ‘TRAVIS FAIL ETC’ ”.

Now HERE is an example of a GOOD mod at work:

My hat goes off to mods like that.

To those other “mods”, get a clue …

Go away

That makes me giggle, because he’s the one that banned me just for fun.

Yeah, great moderation skills Jason. :rofl

If you dont like then go away. This was a fictional character made up on fictional events as stated in dsicalimer I have no idea what the issue is :ahh

I dunno if you noticed, but this place isn’t exactly Wall Street. There is no Serious Business in here. ever. :eek2:crazy

in the words of mr. CROTCH… go gag on a shotgun!!