EPL/Saint Motorsport Engineering Dyno Day - When do you guys want it?

Yeah, too far to go make WOT dyno pulls.

Moon is literally half the way to that place

umm. literally its not. 2-2.5 hrs to moon last i recall…

awd dyno makes me go

From my shop in Pattersonville:

To EPL is 197 miles @ ~3h 28min
To Moon is 144 miles @ ~ 2h 47min

Distance facts laid out in full now.

Yeah it’s about an hour more each way

Oh, waaaaaaaaah. Like you all have something so much more fun to do!? PSH!

your car is in no need of dyno-anything. so stfu.

i drive 6 hours at least a couple time a year to sit in a parking lot, people need to stop worring about how far a drive is, this is why so many people think the scene sucks, no one is willing to drive more then 20 minutes.

yea I hear ya. I might be down to do a dyno pull or two, I’d just need to throw a jug of c16 into the car with me, unless they’d charge me a decent price for it.

and If I’m driving the fucking integra, elliott better be driving the MR2 !!

on second thought, maybe I should bring the wagon. It’d be nice to finally see what it puts down !!

wow, justin is asking for date suggestions. So instead of continually saying “it depends on the date”, how bout you dweebs actually suggest a date? duh

I cant do Saturdays :frowning:

Gas station like 5 min down teh road sells 5 gal drums of C16!


saturday or sundays work for me… i just need a little over a month notice just to make sure i don’t get stuck doing anything else that day

I would suggest maybe Sunday, May 3rd.
Nice little drive, and the weather should be more than acceptable by then.
And if you all promise not to be cheap assholes, we might even be able to stop for food or something on the way back.
We can do this like we did GPNY. All meet up and drive out/back together.

pick a date, you goon

took 36 posts until someone finally suggested a date… :lol

your one to talk, mr indecisive. Good input :slight_smile:

I’ll take the trip in May but I only have the weekend of the 3rd available. The 9th I’ll be in Boston, The 16th I’ll be in Florida, and the 23rd is SRT-4 Day at the Valley.

Okay, so that’s two votes for May 3rd.