ErnGotti's 08 EvoX

What are you driving on the track, a lawnmower??? Lots of the turns there in the car I was in were well above that! If you never had the chance to ride in a prepped race car on a real track, you have NO idea what its like! If you think your king shit on the roads and can white knuckle a turn around the lake, or bash some cones in a parking lot… multiply that by 10 and you might make a lap around LRP! The driver I was with was up shifting and burying it in a turn, where in my head I would have been on the brakes to make the turn! Holy shit I wish I could do that more often!

And different offsets have FUCKING NOTHING TO DO WITH YOUR AWD SYSTEM! didnt you read/comprehend a single thing I/we have been saying?

you can run 12" wide rear wheel and a 6" wide front, as long as the goddamn tire diameter is the same your driveline wont know a fucking thing has changed!

First order of business, fully understand the platform your working with and the mechanical workings in it… only then modify when you proven that your attempting to make those things do something they cant!