ErnGotti's 08 EvoX

I’m very aware of the necessity. I didnt want to tune the car, put parts on it, then tune it again lol waste of moneyz in my eyes. I bout the intake, turboback, and now I need the intercooler piping (which I should have within the month) then the tune is the VERY next thing to get. That way, all my mods will be accounted for in the tune and I’m hoping, after reading dynos of other cars, somewhere in the 310whp range…a larger intercooler would bring me further but thats why I bought the Ntercooler instead. Not as effective, but far less expensive.

Speaking of which (and dont facepalm to this, please, either answer the question or dont reply): Once I’m tuned, will the Ntercooler change things on the tune? I wont be using it too much so the open source tune will be for without it, but will it affect the fuel mapping, etc, when it is on? Or will the air just be colder and denser and not made up for by the fuel?