ErnGotti's 08 EvoX

Case and point. I will throw myself way under the bus here.

My project jetta sits collecting dust and my gut drops when I open the excel sheet for “jetta parts.xls” and look at the total invested.

My daily drivers seem to shit the bed at opportune times and are glorified lawn jockeys.

Literally everything I touch, I mod. Its a disease I guess. And non of them run well for extended periods of time. :rofl

And to further compound that saving money isnt in my vocabulary, so I completely suck at life. Make me :cry:

YESSS SIIIR. And then those “mods” start adding up faster than they did on the cars! lol BUT I am so far ahead on my investment AKA my house, I could sell it and buy 2 new evo’s on the profit.

funny, didnt I mention this a while ago with someone we all know… T-Money… “Should I buy a house or a Lambo???” thread. HUMMMMM what was my dumb suggestion? Thats right a house. annnd what did he do? Bought a lambo and blew it up. HUH… and what is he doing now? FINALLY starting to cut back and get out of his parents “guest home”. NOOOOO SHIT.