ErnGotti's 08 EvoX


Apparently you wanted me to give you a hug for hitting 4 gears in 13.x seconds in a straight line? Sorry I dont sung off evoh nuts so i didnt know it was a big deal to run a mid 13.

All I said was you need to understand what is/can/does/will go on with the car as it sits. You said it twice now. Once when someone showed you that the built in launch control shit does, and you were like WOAAH I didnt know it can do that, it ripps now. And last night you just found out what the secondary revlimiter shit was. That solidifies my assumption from WAAY back about the platform is more than the driver can handle/understand fully. Hence my comment “go read the manual”.

I give credit when credits due, to people/projects/work when it actually catches my attention and makes me think “how did they do that” or “wow thats different” or what ever. But when it comes to an everyday joe working at Napa running around in a 30K car needlessly modding it… I have yet to be impressed. sry.

hows that for a novel?