ErnGotti's 08 EvoX


Hudson and I had something to discuss then we just kept talking. Most of you foo’s werent even there yet. We even asked each other a NUMBER of times if either of us saw other shift members roll up and we couldn’t be sure. I didn’t know you were there Death till you mentioned about the civic kid with the bottle. Honest.

But I have no idea what you guys look like either. Or what most of you drive. Anyone can drive a hooked up v8. How was I supposed to know they belonged to shift or not? I talk to anyone and everyone who wants to talk cars. I know siveradoman, Jdaniels, Paul from synapse, the kid with the 500horse S4, hudsonfalcon, tdilogic, I spoke to turbotravis last week in LG about his car. I’m not foreign to you guys. You all know what I look like. Say hi.


Sorry but this seems like a double standard. You want us to come introduce ourselves but you’re exempt from doing so yourself? Really?