ErnGotti's 08 EvoX


Oh man really.

LOL the reflectors are for his DRL’s, the HID’s handle both the high and low beams.


It’s a popular mod for some reason on the Evo boards. Personally I’m against putting my $1K plus headlights in an oven but that’s me.

:rofl at the amount of neg rep just climbing and climbing.

Head lights are really well done

actually looks pretty good

Negged for not being your usual cocksucker self.


pm’ing vlad right now

Thanks guys. I found that numerous guys did it with no issues as long as they folled instructions to the T so I went for it. My $1k headlights are A-OK :wink: looks nice. Really does. I’m quite satisfied.

Good for you ernald… Im happy if your happy.

inb4 headlights fogging up oh noes what does i do?

who wants to bet theyre not resealed as well as factory

how the fuck do you still have snow on the ground?

i like the lights man , the oven wont hurt the lenses at all . if done right

Black the intercooler!

and who would do something like that? :ninja:lol

I actually approve of a mod you did finally.

Glad everything went OK. Where are you located anyway?

They seal just fine. Part of the instructions include baking the headlights for another 10 minutes, tightening screws, bake for ten more minutes, then crank one last time on the screws without cracking the plastic. The factory silicone seals back up. Again, everyone who has followed the instructions never had a problem.

Nikka it snowed friday night up hurrr

Nahhh I got a design I’d like airbrushed on it, if I cant think of something cool to write on it…like maybe “Feed Me” I saw that on an Evo9. I wouldn’t do it but its cool.