ErnGotti's 08 EvoX

Unless you buy a house brand new, or one thats realitivley new and even then, the cost of remodeling things to your likeing and the various shit you will have to randomly fix will end up being more expensive and more of a PITA because its up to you and you alone to fix it or pay someone to come fix it. You’d be suprised at the shit you will end up finding in a previously owned house that your are going to have to shell out money to fix or make it to your liking. It’s a lot more overwhelming then it seems before you actually buy one.

There is a definite trade off to renting/leasing then to owning your own house.

Retards ITT.

Only reason in my mind to rent is to save money. And you have to be a very strong spender/saver to actually do it.

If the rent payments are less than owning, you must put that money away and not fuck with it. Or put it towards paying off debit.

Also things like not having to pay for appliances when they shit the bed. Repairs not covered by insurance, or having a high deductible on said insurance payment. things like that save money in the long run, and could actually outweigh the tax deductions and such in the long run I guess. But remember too, all those things you have to pay for when owning VS renting is also adding to your credit score.

BUT I for one cant get over the fact that your paying a MASSIVE bill every month renting then paying a MASSIVE bill every month INVESTING it into your self (well mostly the banks pocket) but atleast some of it is going towards principal, so in a few years you are still making a worthy investment which you are NOT doing renting.

but what ever floats your boat. Us homeowners cring (well atleast I do) when i look at my property VS same prices property in say FL or well just about anywhere NOT in NY! lol what I pay not is a ballin ass house in FL. and that house in FL is a $450K house in NY. What a bitch that is.

2 words

403K mortgage.

50K dumper house. Dream up the end result after remodeling. Have contractor come in and est. the cost of repairs (100K lets say). Give est to bank. Bank cuts you a check for $150K total. Now you spend the 100K as you see fit to complete the project/have the project completed for you.

As long as the cards are played right and its a true diamond in the rough, and the end results after remodeling put the street value of the home at or above the principle owed on the house a few years down the road… you just made money.

word for word what i did. (granted I am in the shape I am because I am lucky enough to have resources to do the work and not pay for all the labor to complete it)

I have the fiscal sense of an 8 year old meth addict that just hit the powerball jackpot

The cost of remodeling is slim to nill for me cause I work in theremodleing industry. I can get anything interior wise for houses for 40-60% less than the standard consumer. My biggest problem IS credit issues because I had a debt beat father that named me after him and then procedded to use my name for a number of failed business adventures which I happily have been finding out about over the last 2 years. A 650 pt credit score isnt going to get me a mortgage that would be financially a good idea.

And yes i could buy a shit house in a shit town and waste an 120 minutes a day 6 days a week for the rest of my life driving to work, or I could piss away $800 a month in rent for a place that is a 5 minute walk to my work. Do the math. working an hour away from your work the average person will waste about 21 days worth of time driving to work. Fucking insane what you could do with that time.

Also do it right the first time. buy one house the way you want it, where you want it

which is also how I completed the project far ahead of the 8ball. contractor discount, and in-s with everyone like Cap. Dist. Supply for kitchen/bath, SolidSurface in freemans bridge for tops… The work we completed for $62K on top of mortgage would have been a $180K job for my father company.

Even though, what we are talking about here is the extreme end of the spectrum. they will do that type of loan for anything really. You could tack on an extra $10K and just re paint, re floor, replace the counter tops, sinks, shitter, fixtures, simple “bolt on” mods for a house anyone with some ambition and the brains to use GOOGLE “how to replace a toilet” can pull off.

Sweat equity on a house trumps the shit out of sweat reverse-equity on a car!

Right now I am in a scramble to clen my credit and get the bad things stuck where they belong via my lawyer.

Current I chose to shell out about $1800 a month paying off every student loan or loan i have to crush my bad credit and start climbing the latter to a nice 10-20% down on a house. I also plan to get married right before to so i can boost the income against debt ratio for the mortgage.

As for houses I don’t think i would buy used. I have land that I am undecided what I will do with and house wise I am strongly considering prefab 3 bedroom two story set ups just the shell with finished walls, plumbing and electric. The rest I will do with my step brother using my vendors products and set it up as a showcase some so I will get Subzer Wolf wood-mode quality stuff at 30% off my dealer cost I have been planning this shit for year and trust me I know when i say that home owners have it a lot easier than renters now adays. Fuck my renters insurance is double what my parents pay for their home owners insurance and you dont have to pay a water bill when you own your very own well and septic

^ THIS:rofl

We’re all very different people in many ways but the two things that bind us together is a love of cars and a duty to make fun of Ern.


-Live with parents
-Have no expenses
-Talk trash on shift about others’ uncomfortable living situations
-Laugh over and over

Working well for me so far. I move into my new digs June 5th though.

Working well for me too. Having a good relationship with both parents ftw

I wanted to move back in with my folks but they said no and changed their number.

WHERE DID ERN GO??? This thread is getting boring now.

haha welcome to the club

:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl had to make this my sig

And to think I was gonna plus rep you for your previous sig. Tsk tsk.

I wish I still lived with my parents, free food and no rent.