ErnGotti's 1990 240SX Gold Hatch

no, it’s not worth it, and that is what we would be saying about your car if you listed it for sale. That’s what we were trying to tell you before…and at least this one runs

Whats a good price for that? 4K right?

not a dime over 3k

3K and turn outside back to stock.

and if its a base model with no features… 2K :lol

yea that’s worth $3500 max

Check out there are some good deals on there, they use a craigslist bot to post all the 240’s for sale in new england.

Thanks. I noticed the engine bay seams are all rotted so I dont want to put an expensive engine in THIS chassis either. So I’ll go to texas for one lol

that looks like black fuckin rice



wats with people and these outrageous car prices

lose the wing and change the suspension and that is a really clean nice car.

but not worth $6000

it has poor man suspension on it. was thinking the same.

I think you (ernie) need to sell all your 240 stuff, and save all that money, and start over. ive thought about it from time to time



I just fixed it FINALLY it needed 5 lifters not 2 after all. It may need a 6th…I drove it to the car wash tonight and it stopped ticking. However shortly after I pulled back out of the car wash it started again. The tick was directly related to engine speed not vehicle speed so I think its either another lifter that cant decides if it wants to go flat >=0 or an injector so tomorrow imma run Seafom through it and see if that fixes it.

Imma drive this car till winter then sell it. Its only getting regular maintenance.

Then I’m gonna take the coilovers, wheels and rear end off, replace with stock stuff (well except wheels I gotta put something cheap on it) and put it on another 240 that I buy in Maryland when I move there.

That car will either get an SR20 or an RB25. But I’m gonna see about putting the RB20 back together and sell it as a whole motor/transmission/ecu or piece it out…I’m done with that engine.

put to stock sohc. i will buy and make it a single turbo slammer.

Not joking. :slight_smile:

why not just finish the car you have?

Where you gonna get a manifold sOn??

finish what…

ive come to the conclusion a while back that the car is beater status. you dont know how many things that have hit that car. and 1 out of almost 17 were myfault (snowbank). everything else including deer/city plow truck, more deer,etc. I already know my car is a piece of shit. you dont have to tell me :slight_smile:

new car for '10. already in the works.

and ernie, its on nico somewhere, you can customize the stock sohc mani to make it turbo. (only good for low boost apps)

If only Ernie had the honesty you do, it would save us all alot of time of saying “sell it…burn it…have your ex gf eat it” to him about his car.

I was under the impression that when you replace lifters, you generally want to replace them all instead of just the bad ones. But hey what the hell would I know. I don’t play with pistons much. Not trying to be a smart-ass, just looking for clarification on the matter.

Someone buy this before I do: