Ethanol "dirtier" then Oil.

Now what?

“Some opportunities remain to produce environmentally beneficial biofuels” while “unsound biofuel policies could sacrifice tens of hundreds of million of acres” of grasslands and forests while increasing global warming, said the scientists, including four members of the National Academy of Sciences.

:lol: That’s great. This is what happens when you let politics turn science into psuedo-science.

Plug in hybrid diesels capable of doing 40+ miles on pure electric while only using the diesel to charge the battery. Use that as a stop gap until fuel cell technology advances.

And nuclear plants to charge the plug in hybrids.

I couldn’t agree more.

Ethanol being the wave of the future is a political stronghold, because it makes them sound / look good.

And nuclear plants to charge the plug in hybrids.

There is the real key.

All transportation accounts for something like 27% of nox emissions… guess what the leading contributor is…

Exactly. Fucking politics destroy everything. Hope, bitch, career politician winds up on the curb instead of in the white house.

ALSO, How is all this news anyway? Turning food supply into fuel is completely idiotic… like all things concerning money, it will expand without bounds till we have serious farmland/food problems.

Because Joe Walmart, & Mary Target don’t actually take the time to consider or comprehend these “minor details”.

The talking heads feed them the popular ideas, so that they can keep selling advertising. Unpopular ideas don’t catch the same ratings.


oh wow big news !!!


Ok where is the video of AL Gore praising E85.
He is a scientist right?

scientist that created the internets…

and global warming!!

i dunno. i dont see why we shouldnt invest a bit into ethanol production and uses.

dont farmers overproduce food here as it is? what would happen if we stopped shipping some of the overproduced grains crops we have been subsidizing for years and started burning it as fuel?

Not to mention all the extra fuel that would be used for the farms that are going to be massively overproducing corn. You now raise the demand for gasoline and diesel, which makes it more expensive. Also, a major problem with corn is that you have to rotate crops because it sucks so much nutrients out of the soil. You can’t have corn grow in the same place for multiple seasons on end. It will basically kill the soil (which is organic) and turn it into dirt (which is in-organic). This will massively effect the farming and food industries. Also, using corn as a fuel supply will increase it’s value, which then has an adverse effect on EVERYTHING! Feed costs go up, which in turn raise the prices of dairy products and meat products. Not to mention that E85 is not as efficient as petroleum, so you must use more of it to get the same result. It does not contain the amount of potential energy petroleum does. This in turn would increase the amount of E85 used being used, in turn requiring more crops to be planted to make up the difference, and more petroleum being used to produce the crops. Also, the fertilizer used to grow the crops is mainly petroleum based, which would furthers increase our usage.

wow, I think that I’m finally going to have to take JEG off of the IL.

Although, the increased petrol use by farm equip will be somewhat mediated by ethanol additions in that equip as well.

Hell, even Peterbuilt has started combining hybrid tech into their new over the road trucks.

Oh, and you’re missing bumper crops. Grains and such that are grown in corn lands on a rotating cycle, to keep the corn from destroying the soil.


Yay ethanol:

At the Chicago Board of Trade a bushel, 60-pounds of wheat, now trades for more than $1100, more than two-and-1/2 times what it was just a year ago.

Why? You can lay part of the blame on ethanol. Huge demand for ethanol has farmers planting more corn to produce the fuel when they could be growing wheat.

“Ethanol was competing against wheat for acres in 2007,” said Joe Victor, grain analyst with Allendale Inc.

First time in history humans have taken a food crop and decided to use it for fuel. Looks like it’s working out real well. :picard:

Can we finally admit ethanol, at least from corn, is a huge mistake and should be outlawed?

So wait, we cant have our cake and drive too?

Oh right, I knew that, Politicians didnt.



Fuck I’m giong to go start a wheat farm.

1 - plant seeds
2 - drink beer all summer
3 - harvest
4 - profit
5 - drink beer all winter
6 - return to 1

grow some corn too, then make ethanol for drinking.


If every corn crop (not the cellulose) in the country was used for ethanol, it would replace a whopping 12% of our annual petrol consumption.

Good job Washington.

Articles down. Fucking Al Gore got to it.

How do such fucking morons make national decisions…

there was a cool article in PopSci this month, but I’ll have to dig up a link.