Who says a sports car can't be enviro-friendly...


Pretty awesome.

Its a toss up between that and the Tesla.

I’d hit that shit

i think its sweet, more performance car companies should be building e-85 cars. it would make a good name for e-85 and more cmopanies would follow. it would be much more successful then GM’s efforts to push e-85. oh. and, thats one sexy car might i add

WORD…plus they can start finding more ways to get more power out of E-85

True. Thats always been my problem with alternative fuels and electric. I still want to retain the kind of performance seen with fossil fuels. If alt fuels can provide for even more power then t-up.

Since when are the nitrate runoffs from corn farms to produce E-85 enviro-friendly?

Did you read it?

Bio-ethanol can be made from plant crops such as cereals, sugar beet, sugar cane and wood. As these plant crops grow, they absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, which then partly offsets the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions produced during the burning of the bio-ethanol fuel in the car’s engine.

And the primary push is from ___________ farmers…

what he was trying to say is that farmers will be using fertalizers to grow the crops. The run off from the feilds will have lots of nitrates in it which is bad for water systems. So you might correct some of the air pollution problem, but you will add to the water pollution problem

Berkeley proffessor?
Enough said.
The part I quoted said nothing about corn.
Of course being from the tree hugging Berkeley he has to use corn as an example which is about the least efficient way to make E85.
Why doesn’t he show us how ineffecient it is to make E85 from 4 leaf clovers while he is at it?:roll2:

This is what is called a left wing slant for those that can’t see it and just take his word as gospel.

Nice support for your argument.

And as those plants die (all plants not just corn), by either natural decay or burning, the co2 is again released. Just look at the rise in co2 in the fall months due to foliage decay.

Then why are all the commercials advertising E-85 “think yellow”.

Post #11 added to.

Post #12 added to as well.

o.k., still not solving the co2 problem, the number one contributor of global warming.

Did anyone read the article on E85 in motor trend a few months back? A guy said it was pretty much useless right now because while it is cheaper, it hurts your gas mileage by more money than you save because it has alot less energy than normal gas in it… worthless for now at least, not to mention theres only 800 pumps nationwide… where do you know of an E85 pump? i hate how all the manufactures are ramping up E85… yea your paying less for gas but your gas mileage drops by anywhere from 30-40%… so in the end we aren’t as reliant on other sources but we are using more of our own… sounds stupid to me

+1 for tesla :slight_smile:

But it would save billions of dollars on Middle Eastern wars.:lol:

Read: Much, MUCH smarter than you.

I must agree that it is biased to include the 5.8 million kilowatt hours of solar energy into his equation as it is energy that would not be utilized otherwise.

You have always struggled with comprehension.:stuck_out_tongue:

yea, that 780 I got on the verbal/reading comp section on the SAT owned me. I clearly only understand things that make sense.